Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Three Rogue Nations–Producing Order Out Of Chaos....

[The researchers of the following article make some interesting points about the "modus operandi" of the global Shadow Government and their world destabilization plans. NWO manipulators and trouble-makers share common occult beliefs in simple axioms, such as "Order out of Chaos," or "As above, so below," which apply to all of their ZIOCONNED sinister machinations.

We know that their plans for a New World Order faithfully rely upon these beliefs to bring "order out of the chaos" which they create. We know that they are acting upon those beliefs, when they try in so many ways to bend the people of the world, to recondition their minds into conformity to the masters' wills. We know that one of their primary beliefs is that "thoughts create reality," so we also know that the world of chaos which they are shaping around us is but a reflection of the sick, demented fantasy worlds which exists inside their own big heads. Is it possible to dream a new reality and then watch it take shape? Can the conscious mind really be redirected by tampering with the sub-conscious?

How is it that "order" is brought out of "chaos"? Can we believe our own eyes, or our own minds, when trying to counter disruptive forces that are constantly directed at us? No, we cannot believe our own thoughts, when we live in a world run by men who have developed elementary mind-sciences. We cannot believe our own perceptions, because those perceptions are not our own, not of our own making. The new order slowly rising-up around us is based on managed perceptions that are drip-fed into our belief systems thanks to the wonders of television.

In response to the theme of the following report, about three separate destabilization centers (Colombia, Israel and Pakistan), the "wars" we are fighting there are not real wars, just as the perceptions we share about the chaos radiating outward from those trouble-making regions are not real perceptions. The wars and our perceptions about them are manufactured for us, implanted within our minds without our knowledge or awareness.

The Chaos, just like the ZIOCONNED wars and the false perceptions are not real, because they are all managed forms of conflict. The chaos is not chaos, because there is always a secret current of control, leading back to the Shadow Government. What we have is the perception of anarchy and chaos, when the truth is, the violent storms we see brewing across the face of the earth are not as chaotic as they appear to be. A limited war is not actually a state of "war," but more closely resembles a show, a managed stage production, replete with sets, players and scripts, to carry the central plot forward, right into our sheep-like fuzzy heads.

They control us by controlling what we think. I think that it will be a New Day for all of mankind when we learn to look behind the seeming chaos and see the real "Devil in the details." At that time, it will be true that those who have placed themselves above us all will be brought down low, just like the rest of us.]

When Corrupt and ZIOCONNED Governments Are Formed and Maintained To Oversee State-sponsored Criminal Enterprises...

Israel, Colombia and Pakistan share something in common which can only be properly explained when looking at the world geo-political chessboard through the lens of the New World Order (NWO) leadership. Each of these nations plays a pivotal role in their respective regions of the planet. Their roles are decidedly different from what you might expect of a sovereign nation, especially since they are engaged around the clock in so much illicit and clandestine behavior.

Of course, we all know that Israel was artificially created to drive a HUGE wedge into the oil-producing and political power structure of the Middle East. All the Arab and Muslim nations in that region are ‘perfectly’ controlled by this one tiny country possessing undeclared nuclear weaponry. Only through British and American coercion could such a theft of land from the Palestinians have been blessed by the United Nations in 1948, the year that the modern State of Israel was made official.

Likewise, the British artificially created Pakistan to perform the same chaos-producing function throughout south-central Asia. Only in the wake of Indian independence could such a Muslim nation have been formed through the granting of statehood to Pakistan by India in 1947. It has been in the middle of every regional conflict ever since by design of the World Shadow Government. The significant role that Pakistan plays vis-a-vis India, China, Afghanistan, Iran and other nations throughout the region is indisputable. That they possess nuclear weapons is again no accident.

Columbia was created as the drug capital of Western Hemisphere to perform a similar function throughout Central and South America. Even though it came into its own more recently than the other two during the sixties and seventies, it was being prepared by the world powers shortly after the end of WWII. Columbia has enjoyed remarkable success as an NWO bully for as long as drug running has been conducted. From its strategically located launchpad at the junction point between Central and South America, Columbia has controlled the drug trade throughout the entire continent – to the North and the South – until now.

Throughout history we find a very powerful regional dynamic operating at the nexus of war and drugs. Israel, Columbia and Pakistan each illustrate the profound degree of control and chaos which can be generated by such a nexus. Israel actually functions as the international headquarters for the global drug trade. Things have not really changed since 1000 BC when Phoenicia (modern day Israel and Lebanon) was the major trading capital of the world. Well, it still is as it concerns the administration of worldwide drug running operations. There are very significant reasons why Israel appears to act with absolute impunity as it sits in the driver’s seat of the international drug cartel, as we shall soon see.

Afghanistan, Mexico and "Lebanon of the 70s-80s...."

There is a dimension to this geo-political game which is often overlooked. These three rogue nations work in tandem with three other nations (often against their will) in their respective regions. In each case the tandem nation is used by the superpowers to sow seeds of great distraction and major confusion. Running interference in this manner permits the real culprits to get away with a lot more than they would otherwise be able to.

What better way to create order out of chaos than to marry drugs and war wherever there’s a convenient fit. What we find is a very well-planned intersection between war-making and drug running. If there’s not a real combat war going on, they simply create a War on Drugs or leftist guerilla war. Makes no difference who the new fabricated enemy is as long as enough pandemonium and mayhem is created to give cover for the drug running.

In Mexico it’s the drug cartels against the military and police. In Afghanistan we have NATO fighting the Taliban or anyone with a turban. And, in Lebanon we see the threat of war hanging over the head of its citizens every day, of every year for decades. See how each of these nations is really quite innocent of making mischief in their neighborhood; however, they are used by NWO controllers to fulfill a very important agenda.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see how Israel and Lebanon, Columbia and Mexico, and Pakistan and Afghanistan relate to each other, especially where it concerns the global War on Drugs. Mexico has turned into a cauldron of drug wars unparalleled in modern history. Afghanistan has been invaded for its lucrative poppy seed production by the world powers over centuries. Where Israel is the world capital for both synthetic drug manufacturing and designer drug dissemination, Lebanon has been in the past during the ugle war years of the Zioconned USA shenanigans in the Levant during the period of 1968-1990..., a minor conduit for their movement and worldwide distribution....Circa the PanAm 103 disaster over Lockerbie and the CIA/DIA turf battles....

Each of these tag teams demonstrate the NWO strategy of order out of chaos through war on civilian populations and the subsequent business of drug-running. The three rogue nations attempting to accomplish the same political, military and economic goals alone (for their masters, of course) could not even come close. This is one reason that Israel, Pakistan and Columbia have been the recipients of such an inordinate and disproportionate amount of financial assistance for decades. Billions of unaccountable dollars have been funneled to each of these countries ostensibly for defense in the form of military hardware and weaponry. There is virtually no way to track the use of the huge sums of money received by these rogue nations, so why else do they receive it year after year? Their military might is undoubtedly bolstered by additional transfers of military technology and weapons programs.

The mere threat of military aggression must be plausible if they’re to be effective at controlling their neighbors. See how Israel threatens Iran daily; Pakistan threatens India regularly and Columbia threatens Venezuela whenever the USA wants them to. Talk about henchman whose main purpose is to keep all the neighbors on on pins and needles.

Where Mexico has provided a lot of cover these past many years for Columbia, Afghanistan has done the same for Pakistan. Lebanon has played a much more murky role in Middle Eastern geo-politics as seen during the last war between Israel and Lebanon. Israels’s northern neighbor is a nation under constant threat because of its dangerous proximity to the locus of real political power and strategic military capability within the Middle East.

Incidentally, what was that last war between Israel and Lebanon really all about anyway? A alleged kidnapping of a single Israeli soldier by Hezbollah triggers a full scale war response. Lebanon responds with a complete lack of defense of its sovereign territory? The country takes virtually no initiative to protect its own citizenry?! Israel’s war posture looked like a purposeful and calculated over-reaction. And so it was … to fertilize the field of military aggression for much bigger things to come. As well as confuse the appearance of the actual relationship that exists between Israel and Lebanon concerning covert commercial interests and ongoing collaborations around sabotaging the Mideast peace process.

Israel, Pakistan and Columbia: Change is on the horizon for all three

What has just been written about these three historically rogue nations may soon be a thing of the past. How so?

Some major developments have recently taken place which speak to profound changes in the way these 3 nations have been administered by the World Shadow Government. Major recent events in Columbia, Pakistan and Israel, particularly in relation to the USA, are testimony to a huge shift in the relationship which has been cultivated for decades. Many headlines have recently appeared in the MSM that reflect an unprecedented turning point in the waning influence of US political and military muscle, which has been ‘dutifully’ exerted on behalf of the World Shadow Government[1].

Part II of this series will reveal and elaborate on those changes.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group

Submitted: May 28, 2012

[1] Excerpt from “New World Order as Global Financial Matrix Self Destructs” by T. Anthony Michael (The Market Oracle: November, 2008)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Media Blackout as Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar of the infamous White House Murder INC,....

Media Blackout as Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar of the infamous White House Murder INC,....

Corporate news blackout as Obama designates John Brennan as the sole person in charge of designating people to be assassinated.

John Brennan, Obama’s chief counter-terrorism adviser was a name that you did not see on the Mainstream media today as the continue to run stories that serve to distract the masses from stories that matter.

Most recently he publicly spoke about the drone program calling it moral and ethical and just.

According to reports from the Associated Press, John Brennan has now seized the lead in choosing who will be targeted for drone attacks and raids and Obama has delegated him the sole authority to designate people for assassination under the United States top-secret assassination program.

Yes, if it such a secret program then why is the associated press running a story on it? Because it is only a “top-secret” matter of National Insecurity when the public and organizations such as the ACLU request more details on it than the propagandized reports the public is fed through the corporate media.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who's who at Zioconned NATO's banquet in Mafia ridden Chicago with Rahm/MOSSAD.....

Who's who at Zioconned NATO's banquet in Mafia ridden Chicago with Rahm/MOSSAD.....

By M K Bhadrakumar

Zioconned Alliances are changing by the hour!
Unfortunately this flip flop will not work.....

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is still printing the invitation cards to its Chicago summit on Sunday. A card was printed for Pakistan President Asif Zardari on Wednesday. Pakistan became "eligible" following indications it will get down from the high horse and reopen the transit routes for military convoys into Afghanistan - despite the stubborn refusal by Washington to either apologize for the massacre of Pakistani soldiers last November in an air strike or terminate the deadly drone strikes on Pakistani villages.

Pakistan will receive US$1 million per day from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a transit fee. Is it a fair deal - an invitation to the NATO banquet at Chicago in lieu of the reopening of the transit routes? Pakistan's main opposition parties do not think so. But then, the government in situ always knows better. Moreover, the Pakistani military wants it that way, too.

Zardari is raring to go, which is only to be expected. To be seen at a dazzling party is a matter of national prestige. Also, NATO isn't inviting any Tom, Dick or Harry. For instance, neither China's nor India's presidents have been invited to the charmed circle in Chicago. (Russia's was sounded out and said nyet, but that is another complicated story; and, NATO wanted to invite Israel, but Turkey put its foot down and said hayir.)

NATO's guest list shows Western ingenuity and, in turn, it is also a road map of the West's Zioconned global strategies in the 21st century. How does the guest list look? What is most striking is that somewhat like in Dante's Inferno, there are Zioconned rings.

The hardcore Zioconned cluster comprises the 28 NATO member countries. The next layer is of 13 countries which are considered NATO's "global Zioconned partners" - Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand from Asia-Pacific; Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco from the Zioconned Middle East; Georgia from the Eurasian region; and Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and Finland from the Zioconned old European backyard.....

This is the creme de la creme of Zioconned NATO's allies. The most glaring omissions are Indonesia and the Philippines (the latter despite being "frontline states" in the Asia-Pacific and willing to needle the Chinese dragon), Saudi Arabia (despite being the Western economies' single-biggest Zioconned gas station for well over half a century), Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina (which are prima donnas in their regions). On the whole, it seems NATO feels rather uncomfortable with the Group of 20 club that is straining to be formed.

Game of 'tough love'
Moving further ahead, yet another outer ring comprises countries that are participants or collaborators of NATO's Afghan war. These are the real "VIPs" (or "heroes", depending on one's point of view regarding the bloody Afghan war), because they put their necks on the block and attracted the attention of al-CIAda to rescue NATO from the Afghan quagmire. They are (in alphabetical order and not in terms of their shedding of sweat and tears): Azerbaijan, Armenia, Zioconned Bahrain, El Salvador, Ireland, Montenegro, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Ukraine and Tonga.

It may come as a sensational detail that if the Afghan war is ever won, it could also be due to Tonga's contribution, but facts are facts.

The list is incomplete. This ring also has a sub-section that has Afghanistan (which is the main topic of discussion at the Zioconned NATO summit) at the center surrounded by its neighbors from the Central Asian region. It seems Russia has been accommodated under this sub-head. Most certainly, Zardari goes into this niche.

Russia is deputing merely its head of the Afghan desk at the Foreign Ministry in Moscow, making its displeasure loud and clear that it resents being excluded from NATO's key meetings regarding the conduct of the Afghan war, which regularly take place in Brussels, rain or sunshine. But it is a "nuanced" displeasure, too. Russia has no objection to NATO's Afghan war and is even an ardent votary of it. But Russia resents NATO's monopoly of the war; the war should be "democratized".

The Central Asian states are deputing their foreign ministers because technically they are also members of the rival alliance known as "NATO of the East" - the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

CSTO is locked in a game of "tough love" with NATO: it rivals NATO as the principal military alliance in the post-Soviet space, but it also wants NATO's recognition as an equal so that it can convince itself of its existence (which, unsurprisingly, NATO refuses to accord on Zioconned Washington's insistence, since the Zioconned US would prefer to deal with the former Soviet republics individually rather than as Moscow's junior partners).

CSTO's predicament is almost a mirror image of Russia's - longing for a room and a warm bed in the common European home but insistently being kept out and ever looking in while the US selectively keeps engaging it highly selectively on areas of concern to American Zioconned strategies. (NATO, too, may well selectively engage CSTO someday, for example, to nab drug traffickers in Central Asia who subvert the Afghan economy.) CSTO comprises Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

All said, however, Moscow is unsure about NATO's invitation to the Central Asian leaderships to attend the summit. It has misgivings about NATO's intentions in Central Asia, especially against the backdrop of the impending establishment of Zioconned US military bases in Central Asia.

After all, one purpose of the Chicago summit is to build on the alliance's "smart strategy", which was adopted at the Lisbon summit in 2010 to project NATO as the only truly global Zioconned security organization that could eventually operate even without a UN mandate in the world's "hot spots".

What will worry Moscow is that NATO has already developed a taste for forcing "regime change" in foreign lands, as the Libyan war testifies - and if the current ominous Zioconned trends over Syria are any indication it could do the same.

Besides, NATO is baiting Central Asian states with offers that they are increasingly finding to be irresistible. The hard reality is that Central Asian regimes have developed vested interests in the Afghan war with NATO generously doling out lucrative contracts for sourcing goods and services to local companies that are front desks for the region's Zioconned elites.

The US pays a handsome amount to Kyrgyzstan as the rent for Manas air base. Now there is talk that some of the weapons and equipment in Afghanistan may be gifted to Central Asian countries through the 2014 transition withdrawal period of the war.

Clearly, a gravy train under Zioconned NATO stewardship is moving into the Central Asian steppes, which would make Moscow feel uneasy. Nonetheless, it is interesting that the Central Asian states have taken a collective decision that their heads of state will keep away from the NATO summit in the Zioconned gorgeous Windy City. Arguably, it is an act of supreme self-denial by the Central Asian leaderships in deference to Moscow's sensitivity.

A question for the chef
Indeed, a key country neighboring Afghanistan has been scrupulously kept out of the NATO summit although its capacity to influence the tide of the Afghan war is quite appreciable still - Iran.

A great opportunity has been lost in constructively engaging Iran. But then, Zioconned US President Barack Obama decided to play it safe.

President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is a mercurial personality, utterly charismatic and he might have ended up stealing the show that Obama has carefully, painstakingly choreographed to showcase his stature as a world leader. Too big a risk to take for Obama, no doubt, in a tricky presidential election year. Besides, Republican challenger Mitt Romney and the IsraHell Lobby would have given him a hard time explaining his "softness" toward Iran.

Yet another ring on the NATO invitation chart comprises the four applicants who are waiting in the ante-room for NATO membership - Zioconned Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Montenegro and Macedonia.

Zioconned Georgia has the unique distinction of figuring in three rings - as NATO's Zioconned global ally, its partner in the Afghan war and as an eligible full member. The hidden message behind this extravagant attention being paid to Georgia wouldn't be lost on Moscow. Interestingly, President Vladimir Putin's first official visitors from "abroad" have been the leaders of the breakaway Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

However, this is not to say that Moscow is apprehensive of an imminent decision by NATO to admit Georgia as a member. Putin can count on major European partners like Germany, France and Italy to ensure NATO doesn't get into a confrontation with Russia. Putin has warmed up to the exit of Zioconned Nicolas Sarkozy and the emergence of the socialist government in Paris.

At any rate, Obama too would know that the priority in his second term - if he gets it - in the Oval Office ought to be to rework the US's "reset" with Russia and make the Russian-American partnership predictable and optimally useful for the US's Zioconned global strategies - especially with the problem of China's rise looming as a complex challenge.

Admittedly, NATO's invitation list gives a fair picture of what Marxist-Leninists would call the "co-relation of forces" in international politics today. The above is not the whole picture of global politics, but it is more than half the scenario on a highly Zioconned fluid panorama.

Let me end up uncharacteristically with a touch of hubris to ask: What is a Zioconned NATO summit when China and India are minding their own business and ploughing their independent furrows?

At a minimum, Brussels should have included a category of invitees labeled as "NATO + BRICS". Surely, the BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - is no less important than the Zioconned European Union in the making of the world of tomorrow. Indeed, the main chef at the banquet at Chicago should answer this question - Zioconned Obama.....

Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.
Everyone knows that AfPak will get folded into the SCO sooner or later. This just a way to save face. You can't drone bomb them forever and you money will run out.
Afghanies have no place else to go. China and Russia are neighbors. We are just Zioconned visitors.... We've worn out our welcome....

Monday, May 14, 2012

India fortifies its island defenses....

By Sudha Ramachandran

BANGALORE - The Indian Navy has commissioned a new base, Indian Naval Ship (INS) Dweeprakshak, in the Lakshadweep Islands. Located at Kavaratti, the island chain's capital, Dweeprakshak will provide the navy with a permanent and more robust presence in waters that are threatened by pirates.

The Lakshadweep archipelago (Lakshadweep means a hundred thousand islands in Sanskrit) consists of 36 islands, 12 atolls, three reefs and five submerged banks that are scattered in the
southern Arabian Sea, 200-400 kilometers off the southern Indian coastal state of Kerala.

Since 1980, the Indian Navy has operated a detachment in the Lakshadweep Islands. However, in December 2010 a Coast Guard district headquarters was commissioned at Kavaratti and a Coast Guard station was set up at Minicoy. A second Coast Guard station was set up at Androth Island in April this year.

The facilities at Lakshadweep have been scaled up now to a full-fledged naval base.

INS Dweeprakshak is India's sixth naval base and the fourth protecting the country's western flank. It is India's second base in island territories, the other being the base at the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Dweeprakshak will come under the Southern Naval Command.

The decision to beef up India's naval muscle at Lakshadweep has its roots in security concerns in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008 and the rising threat of pirate attacks in the Arabian Sea in recent years. Lakshadweep's strategic significance stems not only from its proximity to the Indian mainland but also, Nine Degree Channel - a 200-kilometer wide stretch of water through which much of the shipping between West Asia and South East Asia transits runs to the north of Minicoy, the southern-most of the islands.

The magnitude of India's concern over the safety of sea lanes can be gauged from the fact that over 97% percent of India's trade by volume and 75% by value is sea borne. The key role that the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean play in meeting its India's energy requirements is evident from the fact that 67% of this comes from the Persian Gulf and 17% from Africa.

Although the vulnerability of India's coast to terrorist infiltration and attacks became apparent in the early 1990s - the huge quantity of explosives used in the serial blasts in Mumbai in March 1993 was transported through the sea route - it was only after the terror attacks there in November 2008 that the India establishment began acting to secure the coasts - investigations revealed that Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives from Pakistan entered Mumbai undetected via the Arabian Sea. India has now put in place a maritime defense plan to secure its 7,516-km long coast line, including the island territories of Laskhadweep.

The infrastructure set up in Lakshadweep is essential not only to safeguard the Indian mainland from terrorist attacks but also to prevent terrorists from taking sanctuary on the islands. Of Lakshadweep's 36 islands, 26 are uninhabited. That makes them vulnerable to misuse by terrorists for sanctuary or as training bases. Such anxieties have grown in the wake of the growing religious extremism, reported jihadi activity and political instability in the Maldives, which lie to the south of Lakshadweep.

Besides, there is the threat of piracy to Indian and other shipping near India's waters. Anti-piracy operations by the multi-national task force in the Gulf of Aden created a "balloon effect", which resulted in pirate attacks shifting further afield into the middle of the Indian Ocean, even the seas near the Indian coastline. There have been a series of incidents in recent years involving piracy and trespassing in the vicinity of the Lakshadweep Islands.

In March 2010, for instance, pirates sought to hijack a Maltese ship 200 nautical miles off Lakshadweep Islands in India's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The attempt was foiled by the Indian Navy.

Then in May, eight Somali pirates were apprehended by the Indian navy off the Lakshadweep Islands. In November, two piracy attempts on container ships were successfully thwarted; one of the incidents happened just 150 nautical miles off Minicoy.

In December, a Bangladesh merchant ship was hijacked by Somalian pirates some 70 nautical miles from the Lakshadweep Islands. The same month an Indian warship on patrol apprehended an Iranian dhow with four Iranians and 15 Pakistanis on board some 300 nautical miles west of Lakshadweep's Bitra Island in India's EEZ. In November last year, a "mysterious" Iranian ship MV Assa that was reportedly armed was docked in the EEZ near Lakshadweep for around 40 days.

Surveillance and patrolling of the seas off the Lakshadweep Islands by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard have resulted in hundreds of pirates being apprehended over the past year. The setting up of a full-fledged naval base at Lakshadweep will substantially enhance India's capacity to ward off threats from pirates and terrorists.

India has deployed a warship in the Gulf of Aden as part of the multi-national anti-piracy force. It has stationed two warships in the central and eastern Arabian Sea "but in a flexible formation for redeployment on an as required basis", India Abroad News Service reported. Such efforts will be further strengthened by the base at Lakshadweep, which will have warships, aircraft and helicopters.

While the naval base will enhance the infrastructure and capacity of the coastal security network, the problems of India's coastal security seem rather basic and cannot be addressed by deploying more warships.

The flaws in the coastal security network were made visible rather dramatically during the turbulent monsoon months last year when unmanned ships slipped past radars and other high-tech "eyes" to drift undetected in Indian waters and ran aground at Mumbai's Juhu beach.

The first incident occurred on 12 June 2011, when a 9,000-ton cargo ship MV Wisdom that was headed to the Alang shipbreaking yard in Gujarat broke tow, and then drifted on to Juhu beach. Then on July 31, the 1,000-ton MV Pavit, which had been abandoned by its crew a month earlier near Oman, ran aground at Juhu beach. The 1,000-ton ship had drifted for over a hundred hours in India's territorial waters and slipped past a three-level coastal security network involving the navy, the coast guard and the coastal police before it crept up on to the beach.

These were not small fishing boats but massive vessels and that they could enter not just Indian waters but also ride right onto the coast undetected is a damning indictment of the coastal security network.

While analysts have focused on the poor infrastructure in detailing the leaks in the coastal security network, it is the lack of communication and co-ordination between the navy, the coast guard and the coastal police that lies at the heart of its failures.

Consider the response to MV Pavit's advance onto the Indian coast. It appears that the ship was first sighted the previous night by a hotel manager looking at the sea through his binoculars. He alerted a police station at Juhu. A cop went to the beach but couldn't see the vessel. He did not pass on the information anyway to the Coast Guard.

The following morning, fishermen saw the vessel lurching towards the coast. The informed the police station, who again failed to alert the coast guard. When the cops finally informed the coast guard at around 8.30 am, the latter asked for the information to be faxed but the police station was not equipped with a fax machine. By then, MV Pavit had run aground at Juhu beach taking early morning joggers by surprise.

Very basic problems are causing the coastal security network to leak. These are problems that warships cannot fix.

According to Pushpita Das of the Delhi-based Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, the "problem lies not in the measures adopted but in the inadequate attention paid to the functioning of the system at the ground level where the actual action takes place".

The little "coordination or information sharing" taking place at present between the navy, the coast guard and the coastal police "is largely based on personal rapport between the concerned officers", she observes, calling for the institutionalization of this "rapport".

A new naval base with warships and aircraft is a fine idea for enhancing security in the seas. But there is only so much it can do to secure the coast.

Sudha Ramachandran is an independent journalist/researcher based in Bangalore.

Obama's publicity stunt; the so called charade of assassination of Osama ben laden....

Obama's publicity stunt; the so called charade of assassination of Osama ben laden....

Based on a Pakistani intelligence officer's interview ,the story debunking the so called charade of assassination of Osama ben laden has been circulating .It makes interesting reading and quite plausible too .With PaK/US marriage of convenience gone sour , more lurid truths will come out about the Zioconned and cowardly Western criminals and the infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant since January 24th 2002 and Worldwide....

When the charade was played out I had described its as another conspiracy quoting from past examples i.e. even the most barbaric inside Job/False flag attacks of 911....

I had also circulated Osama Bin Laden Is Dead -Again! by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

I had also mentioned in my article quite some time ago that Benazir had told BBC that Ben Laden was dead , perhaps in tora bora ( which probably means Thora Bhura i.e. somewhat white , mountain?)

Recently I had again circulated a note basically to counter US propaganda done through Washington's trumpets in India and the Zioconned World who are invited to USA for seminars and briefing etc .They are quite well known and are trotted up by India's and the Zioconned World's corporate channels and websites etc.

Exclusive: Pakistani Intelligence Official Discusses the Abbottabad Raid.....

TX Desk

Terminal X Director and Chief Intelligence Analyst Zaki Khalid conducted a one-on-one private discussion with a senior Pakistani intelligence official whose identity is being kept anonymous keeping in view the discretion polices of the forum. Questions and queries were posed which were focused on the incidents related to the US Navy SEAL raid on Abbottabad last year and the recent developments in its context. TX makes it clear that the views expressed by the official "may" not necessarily reflect those of Pakistan's intelligence directorate.... a BS boiler plate verse as we all know....


ZK: The White House on May 2, 2011 held an emergency press conference in which it was announced that Osama bin Laden was gunned-down at a compound in Abbottabad right near Pakistan Military Academy. How far is this claim true?

Official: Not the least bit. Why would they 're-kill' a man who already passed away years ago....

ZK: So you are saying that Osama was not present in the compound, is that right?

Official: Yes, that is correct.

ZK: Then who did the SEALs kill?

Official: I will not comment on that. Osama was not present in the compound and that is a sufficient answer to your question.

ZK: Where were Pakistan's jets during the whole aerospace intrusion? Air Headquarters Islamabad has declined to comment on our questions. Would you care to share some news?

Official: They were vigilant as ever.

ZK: Did Pakistani officials gun down one of the Sikorsky choppers?

Official: Yes they did.

ZK: Then surely there must have been some dead bodies from their side as well?

Official: Yes there were. The exact figures cannot be disclosed. More than a dozen is what I can reveal for now.

ZK: Right. Strangely, a few weeks after this incident, other Navy SEALs who took part in this raid got killed in a mysterious crash. Do you see something here?

Official: What can I say? They might have been 'sacrificed'....

ZK: ZIOCONNED American officials including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who was former advisor to Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance, has declared in an interview that a General in Paul Wolfowitz' squad revealed to him years ago that OBL was dead long ago and that his body "was kept on ice to be revealed later on". Do you agree with his assessment?

Official: To be honest, I have not yet heard or seen such an interview. Our archives record that Osama was last met by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Tora Bora after which we at least, on our part, did not notice his movements. We also strongly feel he was killed by KSM himself.

ZK: And why would he do such a thing?

Official: KSM is a CIA asset....

ZK: America's Most Wanted is their own asset?

Official: Yes he is. Why are you surprised? Much happens in the intelligence tradecraft. What is apparent can be an illusion and what seems farfetched can turn out to be precise. The real OBL was a very weak man in his later years, medical problems. He required regular dialysis. What if I tell you there were many copies of Osama that were manufactured?

ZK: Sounds very science-fictionistic. We were told this really was the case by another source of ours.

Official: That was the case.

ZK: Do you really believe it is easy to deceive the whole world into believing a lie?

Official: Tell you what, I challenge any court, be it in the US, to pass a verdict verifying claims made by officials at the American military-intelligence establishment. They have no tangible, forensic evidence at all that can prove OBL was killed in Abbottabad. He never came to Pakistan in the second millennium, that's news for you. The Zioconned world's media, including ours, has its Zioconned corporate interests to protect. Plus, what is announced on Zioconned Western media giants is taken to be the Divine Truth.

ZK: We told this to our readers last year but your own DG ISPR Maj Gen Athar Abbas said in a National Geographic documentary that OBL was killed. Is this supposed to be incredible then?

Official: He said the right thing. We have a situation here and according to the strategies formulated by the military leadership post-Abbottabad, we had to stay precautious against any confrontational move that could isolate us in the global map.

ZK: What about the wives of Osama bin Laden? What was their role in all this?

Official: No comment.

ZK: What can you share about Zioconned America's military agendas in light of recent geopolitical developments?

Official: Zioconned US officials recently held strategic meetings in Islamabad in which they told Taliban spokespersons that they are willing to give them recognition to which the Afghan Taliban scorned and said it is us, not you, who get to decide your exit. We have no conditions, just pick up your bags and get out of here as soon as possible. The Zioconned Obama Administration is doing all this to increase their vote bank as Presidential Elections are fast approaching. Zioconned Obama wants to show the world that he held successful negotiations with the Taliban which India also supports. However, talks have failed.

Ziocon Marc Grossman came to request re-opening of the NATO supply routes. He said that if Obama apologizes over the Salala attack, his votes will considerably decline.Those talks too, failed. Gen. Kayani promptly denied any such request and Grossman had to return in dismay.

ZK: So that means there is no re-opening of NATO supplies?

Official: That is correct. The Afghan Taliban attacked on US and Allied Force bases a few weeks ago to give them a message that signing a 'strategic partnership' with your own puppet regime at Kabul is, well, ironic. Worthless.

ZK: Can you summarize the Abbottabad raid in one line?

Official: Obama's publicity stunt....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Upcoming G8 Forum and the Objectives Behind the Looming Great War....

Upcoming G8 Forum and the Objectives Behind the Looming Great War....

By Viktor BURBAKI (Russia)

Upcoming G8 Forum and the Objectives Behind the Looming Great War




• help switch the attention of the Western population from the crisis to the fight against a “global enemy”;
• create conditions for writing off the sky-high sovereign debts;

• stop the US slide towards a new great depression, revitalize the country’s economy and give it a fresh start;

• re-institute the US leadership within the world system;

• perpetuate the existing financial order based on the broadly interpreted Washington consensus and the status of the US Federal Reserve as the global money-printing factory.

The same agenda, however, includes a taboo part – the plan is supposed to guarantee the survival of Israel which retains the occupied Palestinian territories and can only exist in the settings of permanent confrontation with its neighbors, provided that the West unwaveringly supports it and the Israeli military superiority in the region continues into the future. So far, Israel has had a potential to crash practically any coalition of Arab countries, while its regional nuclear-arms monopoly serves Tel Aviv both as a means of containment and a safeguard in case an armed conflict does erupt and takes an unexpected turn. Israel absent the enemies surrounding it – a small state with no natural resources on premises – is a picture impossible to imagine. The reason why these days Israel desperately needs a great war are:

• a military triumph would confirm Israel’s high global status;

• the outbreak of war would make it impossible for the crisis-ridden West, especially for the US, the country accounting for 22% of Israel’s foreign trade and known to pour an extra $3.71b into it in direct aid, to terminate or to considerably reduce support for Israel. It is worth mentioning in the context that Germany paid the last portion of compensations to Israel for World War II crimes in 2011. Under normal conditions, propping up Israel alone may seem too heavy a burden for the US;

• the war would put an end to Iran’s nuclear program and spare Israel any potential regional rivalry in the nuclear arms sphere.

The third and, arguably, the top secret part of the big war agenda is the rebuilding of the global colonial system.

Classic colonialism dominated the world for over five centuries and was partially pushed off the global stage only in the second half of the XX century when the USSR established itself as a world power. At the moment, one gets an impression that, due to the logic of the Western economic development, the brief post-colonial interregnum is nearing the end. Under pressure from competitors, the Western economic system is sustainable only as long as it can draw additional resources from the outside. It’s stability takes the existence of a subordinate periphery supplying the world system core at affordable costs.

The recent developments – from the seizure of Iraq and Afghanistan to the rape of Libya and the spill of the Arab Spring – leave no doubt that the world system periphery faces a new round of colonial conquests. The geopolitical process is likely imminent since a power capable of mounting serious opposition to it is completely missing in today’s world, and the only aspect of the situation that currently remains unclear is whether the revival of colonialism will follow a bipolar pattern, with the US and the EU securing a grip on the rest of the world, or some sort of an alternative colonization model is going to emerge.

The world subject to a new wave of colonization will see a sweeping re-codification of the international law and a full scale-demise of its former Yalta-Potsdam framework. The transformation will include a definitive departure from the underlying principles of the UN charter, the elimination, on an institutional level, of the permanent UN Security Council membership, and radical adjustments to the notion that sovereign countries should be treated as equal partners in international politics. In a not-so-distant future, occupation and colonization – if perpetrated in the confines of “recognized” spheres of influence – will be legitimized as substitutes for self-determination and sovereign nations’ rights to stay insulated from meddling. The West is already restoring the two-level format of the international relations which allows complete sovereignty exclusively to the countries belonging to the world system core and leaving the periphery with strictly the amount of decision-making freedom transnational corporations can painlessly tolerate.

Z. Brzezinski expressed with utmost clarity the view that the pillars of the new (colonial) order should be the Greater West (the US and the EU) and the Greater East (Japan, India, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia), meaning that no role is awarded to Russia in the future global politics. Even at present, for example, open talk about imposing international control on Siberia is no cause for embarrassment, and it will take little time before the concept surfaces that the contemporary Russia is the successor to the Russian empire which, in 1884, signed the convention which called for the “efficient occupation” of countries evidently unprepared to handle their own assets. It may happen sooner than anyone can expect that the “efficient occupation” gets a line in the adopted international code of conduct and Russia is confronted with the threat of seeing its right to its natural riches revoked.

NATO is an existing and successfully tested instrument of the new colonization. The alliance’s fresh strategic concept sealed in Lisbon in 2010 states in a thinly veiled form that maintaining the structure of the world system comprising the core and the periphery as necessary for the Western world’s well-being must be a part of the NATO mission. The above is the quintessential aspect of the new vision for NATO: the group of Western heavyweights is bracing for new crusades which have always been economically motivated, and the world’s regions supplying commodities will imminently come under military pressure.

At the moment, the West cannot coexist with countries combining ownership of extensive natural resources with geopolitical might. The West may go on pretending to be unaware of the nuclear arsenals of Israel or Pakistan, a country with chronically poor governance that can’t or doesn’t try too hard to throw out the Talibs, but the spotlight sticks to the energy-rich Iran with its claims to regional leadership, even though the country is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. By all means, Iran’s nuclear program is nothing more than a casus belli – even with no trace of interest in nuclear technologies, the country would still be in big trouble. Moscow should, in the meantime, keep in mind that it is destined to be the next target after Tehran as the same Brzezinski said that in the XXI century the US would develop against Russia, at the expense of Russia, and on the ruins of Russia.

Among other objectives, the big war planners obviously hope to prevent the rise of the Eurasian union. It is clear that their global design implies distributing the resources contained in the post-Soviet space among the Great West and the Great East, and the point of the current projects like Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals is to integrate Russia into the Western world while amputating its Siberian part. Russia will have to endure plenty of arm-twisting at the upcoming G8 forum in Camp David supposed to coerce it into giving up the support for Syria and Iran and the Eurasian initiatives, as well as to make Moscow subject its tactic nuclear weapons stockpile to deep cuts. Russia will be offered some perks in return, but cannot rely on China’s standing by it, since the Russian comeback exposes China to unwelcome competition in Eurasia.

The lesson stemming from the entire history of the relations between Russia and the West is that Moscow’s beliefs in the possibility of a partnership with it eventually prove to be illusions. Similarly, the history of big wars convincingly demonstrates that the benefits are typically ripped by the countries which are the last to step in. The approach clearly guarantees the wise a place in the ranks of winners. B. Borisov was absolutely right when he wrote in 2009 in his Damned World: “The creation of a geopolitical configuration akin to the Eurasian Union that would make it possible – thanks to the aggregation of coalition might to the formation of buffer zones – to delay Russia’s direct entry into the war (which will not necessarily span the metropolitan territory) should be regarded as a priority in Moscow. Essentially, Russia’s dilemma is to choose between putting together a bloc right now, while there’s still some freedom of maneuver, or doing the same under the pressing circumstances of combat. It must be taken into account immediately that the opportunities to reshape the political landscape on the territories and adjacent to the Russian borders – as it was done in the wake of the recent conflict with Georgia – are evaporating day by day”.

Speaking of the reasons why Russia must not slash its tactical nuclear weapons, one can overlook the fact that for the country, which risks to be the weak side in the coming war, those may be an efficient instrument of damping that conflict at its early phase. Lacking the tactic component of the nuclear warfare, Russia will have to either capitulate or opt for an all-out nuclear nightmare.


By Viktor BURBAKI (Russia)

Why the US Needs a Major War

At the moment, we find ourselves in the middle of a turbulent phase of the global evolutionary cycle which commenced in the 1980s and is projected to end by the middle of the XXI century. In the process, the US is clearly loosing its hyperpower status…

Estimates offered by experts from the Russian Academy of Science show that the current period of severe instabilities should end roughly in 2017-2019 with a crisis. The crisis will not be as deep as those of 2008-2009 or 2011-2012 and will mark the transition to an economy built on a novel technological basis. The economic revival will, in 2016-2020, likely entail serious shifts in the global power balance and serious military-political conflicts involving both the global heavyweights and the developing countries. The epicenters of the conflicts will supposedly be located in the Middle East and the post-Soviet Central Asia.

The century of the US global military-political dominance and economic primacy appears to be nearing completion. The US failed the unipolarity test and, bled by permanent Middle Eastern conflicts, currently lacks the resources retaining the global leadership would take.

Multipolarity implies a much fairer distribution of wealth across the world and a profound transformation of the international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, etc. At the moment the Washington consensus seems irreversibly dead and the global agenda should be topped by the task of building an economy with much lower uncertainty levels, tighter financial regulations, and greater justice in the allocation of revenues and economic benefits.

The centers of economic development are drifting from the West, which counts the industrial revolution among the main accomplishments on its record, to Asia. China and India should be preparing for an unprecedented economic race in the process against the backdrop of the wider competition between the economies employing the state capitalism and the traditional democracy models. China and India, the world’s two top-populous countries, will define the directions and the pace of development in the future, but the main battle over global primacy is going to be played out between the US and China, with the choice of the XXI century post-industrial socioeconomic model and political system at stake.

The question arising in the context is how the US is going to react to the transition?

* * *

It has to be taken into account that any US strategy proceeds from the assumption that loosing the global primacy is unacceptable to the country. The linkage between global leadership and the XXI century prosperity is an axiom for the US elites regardless of political details.

Mathematical modeling of the global geopolitical dynamics warrants the conclusion that a victorious large-scale war fought with conventional warfare is the US only option to reverse the fast meltdown of its unsurpassed geopolitical status.

It is an open secret that occasionally non-military methods of pushing rivals off the stage – as in the case of the collapse of the Soviet Union – also work, and the corresponding technologies are being permanently polished in the US. On the other hand, up to date countries like China or Iran evidently prove immune to external manipulation. If the current geopolitical dynamics persists, the global leadership change can be expected by 2025, and the only way the US can derail the process being to ignite a major war…

The country facing an imminent leadership loss has no option but to strike first, and this is what Washington has been doing over the past 15 years. The US specific tactic is to pick as a target not an alternative candidate for geopolitical primacy but countries engaging which appears affordable at the moment. Attacking Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, the US sought to handle purely economic or relatively minor regional problems, but a bigger game would clearly require a more significant target. Military analysts hold that Iran plus Syria and the non-Arab Shia groups such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah face the greatest chances of getting hit in the name of a new global redistribution.

The redistribution is in fact underway. The Arab Spring spun off and managed by Washington created the appropriate conditions for a merger of the Muslim world within a single caliphate. The US plan is that this new formation will help the waning hyperpower maintain its grip on the world’s key energy resources and safeguard its interests vis-a-vis Asia and Africa. No doubt, the challenge prompting the US to compose this new type of arrangement is the swelling might of China.

Getting rid of Iran and Syria which stand in the way of the US global dominance would be Washington’s natural next step. Attempts to topple the Iranian regime by means of inciting civilian unrest in the country failed fabulously, and military analysts suspect that an intervention scenario akin to those implemented in dealing with Iraq and Afghanistan eventually awaits Iran. The plan has serious chances to materialize even though as of today even the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan presents the US with considerable problems.

Ralph Peters' Map of the Middle East, 2006

The implementation of the Greater Middle East project – along with appreciable damage to the standing of Russia and China – would be the key prizes the US hopes to win by fighting a major war… The design became widely known in the US following the publication in the Armed Forces Journal of the notorious Peters map. The motivation which loomed behind the artifact was to muscle Russia and China out of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East, to cut Russia off the South Caucasus and Central Asia, and to disconnect China from its most important energy suppliers.

The materialization of the Greater Middle East plan would ruin Russia’s prospects for a peaceful and steady development as the unstable US-controlled South Caucasus would be sending shock waves across the North Caucasus. Since, obviously, the unrest would be detonated by the forces of Muslim fundamentalism, Russia’s predominantly Muslim regions are sure to be affected.

The US is unable to sustain the Washington consensus any longer relying on economic and political instruments. China’s Jemin Jibao painted the picture with utmost clarity when it wrote that the US grew into a global parasite which prints unlimited quantities of dollars, exports them to pay for its imports, and thus buys Americans lavish living standards by robbing the rest of the world. Russia’s premier expressed a similar view during his November 17, 2011 China tour.

At the moment China is pressing hard to limit the sphere of the US dollar circulation. The share of the US currency in China’s reserves is shrinking, and in April, 2011 the Chinese Central Bank announced a plan to completely opt out of the US dollar in international clearances. The blow to the US currency domination will not remain unanswered, obviously. Iran is similarly trying to reduce the dollar share in its transactions: an Iranian oil exchange opened in July, 2011, where only Euro and Iran’s own currency are accepted. Iran and China are negotiating over the supply of Chinese products in return for Iran’s oil, which, among other things, would make it possible to route trade around the sanctions imposed on Iran. The Iranian leader said his country’s trade volume with China should reach $100b, and that would render the US plans to isolate Iran meaningless.

The US efforts to undermine stability in the Middle East may in part be attributable to the reckoning that the reconstruction of the region’s devastated infrastructures would necessitate massive dollar infusions, the result being the revitalization of the US economy. In 2011, the US strategy aimed at preserving its global leadership started to translate into power-based policies as Washington considers depreciating the dollar holdings among the possible solutions to the crisis problem. A major war can actually serve the purpose. In its wake, the winner would be able to impose its own terms on the rest of the world as it did when the Bretton-Woods system came into being in 1944. For Washington, running the world takes being ready to fight a major war.

Can Iran, given the necessary backing, put an end to the US universal expansion? The question will be addressed in the next article.....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Zioconned U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam....

This is worth a look . The title of the article is an eye-catcher:

Zioconned U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam....

I'm happy to say the subject matter is being dealt with by order of CJCS General Dempsey. It is dismaying how much of a cottage industry this demonization of Islam has become in the skewed post-barbaric inside job of 9/11 world....

I don't doubt that some of the purveyors of these screeds actually believe what they are saying, but I am equally sure that there are many who simply see opportunities to find a new universal enemy to replace the late-lamented Soviet Union.

It is sad that there is such a vacuum in our understanding that we could allow such people to have access to important institutions of military pedagogy.

If we are going to teach our staff officers anything, I hope we can teach them to turn a critical eye to such anti-intellectual crap. Declaring war on 1.4 Billion Muslims seems to me to violate the principle of conservation of enemies....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Iran queries Obama's pact with Karzai....

Iran queries Obama's pact with Karzai....
By M K Bhadrakumar

Washington gave Afghan President Hamid Karzai over 18 months to bring himself to agree to the United States-Afghanistan strategic partnership agreement, but hardly a fortnight to get the document ratified by his parliament.

Karzai's motivation to get the job done is not in doubt, since his own political future hinges on his dexterity to persuade Afghan parliamentarians to endorse the pact.

And only after parliament's endorsement can US President Barack Obama submit the document to the US Congress. The pact is intended to be the highlight of the summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Chicago on May 21.

Just about 10 days left, and Karzai is under enormous pressure. .
The popular feeling among Afghans about the pact is a great "unknown unknown", to borrow the words of former despicable war criminal and utterly corrupt US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld.....

Afghan officials announced in April that they had endorsed a final draft of the strategic partnership agreement that will make certain the US commitment in the country for at least 10 years after the 2014 withdrawal of foreign troops deadline and the transition of security to local forces. Few other details were given.

Destiny strikes
The Taliban may have helped matters a bit. Their spectacular attacks in Kabul and other places recently created an overall awareness about the fragile security situation and Karzai's best hope is that the people will appreciate that for the foreseeable future, Western military backing becomes critical for the survival of the Afghan state.

Karzai is risking that this new "awareness" subsumes the popular feelings against foreign occupation of their country. Things were going rather well for Karzai for the first three days since US President Barack Obama came to Kabul on May 1 to sign the pact. It all seemed a done thing that he would navigate the US-Afghan pact through parliament and start packing his bags for the journey to Chicago and commence a new chapter in his political career.

But then, destiny struck on May 4. A dozen or so Afghan civilians, including five children, were killed on that fateful Friday evening when NATO-led forces carried out two separate air strikes in the southern province of Helmand. NATO repeated the crime two days later with a second air strike in the northwestern province of Badghis. Karzai's office admitted that NATO also struck in Logar and Kapisa provinces in eastern Afghanistan in the weekend, killing dozens of civilians.

Karzai promptly went into damage-control mode by calling in the US commander, General John Allen, and the US ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker. He told them that the strikes were "unacceptable". Karzai's office also issued a crisply worded press release, according to which, "President Karzai said if the lives of Afghans are not safe, then the strategic cooperation between the two countries will lose its meaning and concept."

Indeed, the raison d'etre of the pact lies in the US's political obligation and military commitment to make Afghanistan a safe place for Afghans. Karzai has been made to look a very impotent leader.

Karzai controls a fair number of parliamentarians who will dance to his tune, but they fall short of a majority. Karzai is so uneasy that he even took the extraordinary step recently of stopping a visit to Kabul by prominent US congressman Dama Rohrabacher, who is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, to meet Afghan opposition leaders. Rohrabacher was denied a visa and prevented from boarding a flight from Dubai to Kabul. "[US Secretary of State] Hillary [Clinton] was very clear that this came from Karzai," Rohrabacher later said.

Rohrabacher has supported the demand of the Afghan opposition (belonging to the erstwhile Northern Alliance) that Karzai should share power with parliament. The incident showed Karzai's uneasy standoff with the opposition represented in parliament. Suffice to say, Karzai faces the biggest challenge of his political career when he submits the US-Afghan pact for endorsement by parliament in Kabul.

Tehran challenges ...
But Karzai still has a few tricks in his pocket. On Saturday, he struck at Iran. Afghan security forces nabbed the Kabul bureau chief of Iran's semi-official Fars news agency, Abdulvahed Hakimi, and took him to an undisclosed destination. It was a provocative move and inconceivable without clearance from a high level in the Kabul set-up.

Media leaks have since made out that Hakimi is charged with spying. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty soon began flashing reports in Dari and Pashtu about Afghan security having cracked a spy ring allegedly working for Iran.

Unsurprisingly, Karzai has opted for a huge diversionary tactic to turn attention away from the NATO air strike by whipping up Afghan nationalism. Meanwhile, the Karzai government also leveled allegations that the Iranian ambassador in Kabul, Abolfazi Zohrehvand, tried to influence Afghan parliamentarians to oppose the US-Afghan pact. On Tuesday, the ambassador was summoned to the Afghan Foreign Ministry.

Simultaneously, a media campaign has begun, alleging that Tehran proposes to expel Afghan refugees living in Iran as a mark of displeasure against the Kabul government over the security pact. This is a highly emotive issue within Afghanistan with high potential to incite anti-Iran sentiments.

Tehran furiously protested that it had been a generous host for more than two million Afghan refugees for over two decades with little help from the international community and has always been of the opinion that their repatriation could only take place with the "establishment of sustainable peace and security" within Afghanistan.

But the damage is done. Meanwhile, Tehran has broken its silence over the US-Afghan pact. On Saturday, in a strong statement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry warned against the deployment of US troops in Afghanistan. The statement said:
  • The "unclear roles defined for the US forces and their military bases" under the pact constitute "major sources of concern for Iran and other regional countries".
  • The pact cannot solve Afghanistan's security problems and will further destabilize the country and worsen insecurity.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the establishment of peace and security in Afghanistan is possible through the total withdrawal of the foreign forces, the closure of military bases and dialogue among the Afghans within the framework of the High Peace Council.
  • Evidently, Kabul anticipated that Tehran would at some point come out against the security pact and tried to pre-empt Iran's capacity to rally the Afghan opposition. Interestingly, on Tuesday, even as the Foreign Ministry in Kabul summoned the Iranian ambassador, Karzai dispatched National Security Adviser Rangin Dadfar Spanta (who negotiated the pact with Washington) to the western Afghan city of Herat to respond to Iranian criticism.

    Herat has traditionally been heavily under Iranian influence. Spanta defiantly underscored that the pact with the US was precisely intended to withstand threats such as from Tehran. He said:
    Iranian officials told Afghan senators not to approve the pact or else Afghanistan will face problems. We reply to them that it is for this very reason that we signed the agreement ... What I see in Iran is nationalism and radicalism, which tries to influence the region from a religious point of view. [Iran's] politics have never been recognized globally ... Afghans should guarantee their children's future with peace and think only about their national interest.
    Karzai's choice of the mild-mannered Spanta for the mission to Herat is interesting. Spanta is a Sunni Tajik and Herat is predominantly a Sunni Tajik city. By playing the sectarian card, Karzai evidently hopes to cast his net wide and "neutralize" the Shi'ite Iranian sway over the people of Herat.

    … Obama's gamble
    The Iranian ambassador in Kabul lost no time to respond to Spanta. He urged on Wednesday that the Karzai government should pay heed to Iran's concerns about the US-Afghan pact. Referring to his meeting at the Afghan Foreign Ministry the previous day, he disclosed:
    The point that I made to the Afghan officials was that in our view the consequences of this [US-Afghan] agreement are not restricted to Afghanistan and will have regional and trans-regional impact and can disturb the regional security structure. We asked the Afghan officials to reconsider it [the security pact] more carefully. The Afghans should take our concerns into consideration and make their decisions while considering the Afghan people's interests and the security considerations of the regional countries.
    Clearly, the ambassador has pushed the envelope by claiming that Tehran's stance is shared by other regional capitals. He also reached above Spanta's and Karzai's heads to bring onto the table the interests of the Afghan nation.

    The Iranian demand for a review of the pact all but sets a collision course with Karzai. If the calculation was that amid the preoccupations over the P5+1 (Iran Six") talks on Tehran's nuclear program in Baghdad on May 23, Tehran would have no spare time to pay attention to the US-Afghan pact, that isn't the case. Evidently, Tehran's threat perceptions from the long-term US military presence on Iran's eastern borders run far too deep.

    Tehran has probably consulted other regional powers. Both the Foreign Ministry statement in Tehran on Saturday and the Iranian ambassador's remarks in Kabul on Wednesday referred to regional opinion weighing against the US-Afghan security pact. Although no other regional capital has spoken against the US-Afghan pact in the past 10 days, Tehran's claim suggests that the silence is merely tactical.

    It is a claim difficult to disprove. The big question is going to be the nature of the mood swing among Afghan parliamentarians. Tehran has brought into focus that the US-Afghan pact is controversial among Afghanistan's neighbors. Iran wields influence over certain constituencies within Afghanistan cutting across regional or sectarian and religious divides. (Tehran has much influence with the insurgent Hezb-i-Islami leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who lived for almost five years in Iran in exile in the late 1990s until his return to Afghanistan in 2002.)

    It is virtually unthinkable what would happen to Obama's political standing if the Afghan parliament failed to ratify the security pact. Politicians can make fatal errors of judgment. Obama gambled by traveling to Kabul to sign the pact just ahead of the formal commencement of his re-election.

    The temptation to derive political mileage likely got the better of him. Obama's political life testifies that he has usually won his gambles. But Afghan parliamentarians could punctuate that lucky run.

    Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2012

    How to stage a War....

    How to stage a War....

    The CIA and FBI are the zaniest comedy team since Martin & Lewis, Abbot & Costello, and Laurel & Hardy. Upgraded underwear Al-CIAda bomb = upgraded Obama-Bush administration bullshit.....

    By Julia Mitchell

    Since the end of WWII there has not been a single year that the United States of America has not been involved in some sort of military intervention somewhere in the world, whether it be direct intervention using U.S. forces, the supplying of arms to the aggressor in a conflict between other nations, or by supplying arms to forces within another country staging an illegitimate coup. Throughout all of this the American people have remained silent, sitting idly by as their government has engaged in actions that have ultimately culminated in our country becoming the poster child for unwarranted aggression in the eyes of much of the world to the extent that today we are hated and feared by much of the world’s population. To those who would object to the contention that Americans have remained apathetic in terms of any objection to the unjustified and unwarranted military aggressions on the part of our government by referring to the protests that surrounded opposition to the Vietnam war, let me just say that recent research into those protests on the part of Ed Chiarini indicates that none of that was legitimate, and that those protests were in fact engineered by factions within our own government intent upon stirring civil unrest among the American people. In fact, many of the actors involved in staging those protest are still active today, up to and including Abby Hoffman, who has since his fictionalized death functioned as one Paul Michael Glaser, and are still involved in the same sort activities at the behest of the same subterranean forces operating within our government. But what has gone relatively unnoticed until recently, except for one brief incident in 1990, is the fact that much of the media footage that has surrounded these conflicts and that has been propagated as scenes filmed during actual armed confrontations has in fact been staged and manufactured using actors assigned to specific roles.

    For the first few months of this year an individual referred to as “Syrian Danny” emerged as the poster child for western military intervention in Syria, appearing on an almost daily basis via satellite interviews with CNN reporters, of which the Vanderbilt family member Anderson Cooper was the most notable. By March 6, however, the jig would be up, so to speak, for “Syrian Danny,” as leaked CNN footage clearly demonstrated that the unrest in Syria he claimed to be operating in the middle of was a complete fabrication. In a video uploaded to youtube channel VexZeed, courtesy of a group referring to themselves a Syrian Youths English, “Syrian Danny” and his camera crew are caught red-handed fabricating the gunfire he claimed to be reporting in the midst of, and at one point “Syrian Danny” even mentions that his fingers are freezing as he waits for CNN’s Anderson Cooper to come on the line so they can commence with the interview, stating as well that he wishes he had a mattress to lie down on as he waits. In addition, a story carried by all the major news outlets here in the U.S. which asserted that Syrian troops had attacked an oil pipeline running through the “rebellious” city of Homs was also proven to be a complete fabrication when Syrian Youths English obtained and released leaked footage that clearly demonstrated that the pipeline had in reality been set fire to by terrorist forces operating within Syria, and it goes without saying that those “terrorist forces” were more than likely black ops operatives operating in conjunction with the U.S. created al Qaeda and our own shadow government. These same tactics involving the fabrication of internal conflicts were also employed prior to the destruction of Libya at the hands of NATO forces.

    By now everyone should be quite familiar with the recent bombing of Libya, the murder of Moammar Gaddahfi and the rhetoric used to justify the destruction of what was in fact a beautiful and prosperous country; a country that could proudly boast that its human rights record was better than any other on the planet. The truth about the sort of country Libya was prior to the invasion is well documented for anyone who wishes to do the research and confirm such. What is not well documented is the fact that we have evidence to indicate that the so called clashes between Libyan “rebels” and the Libyan “army,” which were incessantly referred to by the mainstream U.S media as “forces loyal to Gaddahfi,” were in fact staged and filmed in the Nevada desert prior to the invasion and destruction of that country, as Ed Chiarini discovered in his investigations of the cabal of people that have been faking and staging news events in this country for decades. In the process of investigating this group of people, of which the ringleaders seem to be the Rockefeller, Greenberg, Wohl, Blumberg, and Sexton families, Chiarini managed to track the conversations among the participants in which they discussed finding an appropriate location and transporting the equipment to be used in the process of filming the fabricated battle scenes in the desert somewhere outside Las Vegas on the Radian Helix Media facebook page, and Radian Helix Media is owned by none other than Brandan Lee Pittman and Kenny Blumberg, aka Cliff low Priest. These manufactured battle scenes were subsequently carried by the American media and propagated as footage of the “uprising” on the part of “rebel forces” within Libya when nothing could have been further from the truth, and they would ultimately be used in conjunction with falsified stories about human rights violations on the part of the Libyan government to justify obliterating that country via Nato bombing raids, which brings us to the most highly publicized story of the most recent war in Iraq.

    In November 2005 it was reported from Iraq that 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women, and children, of which at least nineteen were said to be civilians, had been mercilessly gunned down and murdered by a group of United States Marines, and in December of 2006 eight marines said to be from the 3rd Battalion 1st Marines were charged in connection with what came to be known as the Haditha Massacre. By June of 2008 the charges had been dropped against all but one marine, identified as Staff Sgt Frank Wuterich, who was ultimately convicted of a single count of negligent dereliction of duty. And America’s image around the world, already possibly irreparably damaged as a consequence of an unjustified war of aggression, was further diminished as a result. That was the very real consequence of just another manufactured news story, as it is my opinion that Chiarini’s evidence demonstrates conclusively that the individuals depicted in the televised scenes of that charade as it played out in the media are in fact the actors he contends that they are, two of which are Vin Diesel and Steve O of MTV’s Jackass, the cast of which have been deeply involved in the falsification of many, many other national news events. Steve O, as it turns out, is none other than a member of the Wohl family, and he is not the first member of that family to have been involved in the fabrication of news events surrounding the wars in Iraq.

    On October 10, 1990, a young woman referred to at the time as Nurse Nayirah testified before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus that upon invasion of Kuwait, the Iraqi soldiers had entered the hospital where she was working, taken the babies out of the incubators they were in, and callously and inhumanely left them to die. Her testimony subsequently became an integral part of the propaganda spewed by then President George Herbert Walker Bush and various US Senators to rationalize the war against Iraq on behalf of Kuwait that had begun a little more than two months prior to that. That story, which was also corroborated by Amnesty International, was proven in 1992 to have been completely and admittedly fraudulent when it was discovered that “Nurse Nayirah” was in reality the daughter of the US ambassador to Kuwait at the time, Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah, or so it was said, and had witnessed none of the things she testified before congress as having seen. However, according to the evidence uncovered by Edward L. Chiarini almost 20 years later, the original lie was simply followed by another in an effort to further mislead the American people as to the depth of the deception. “Nurse Nayirah,” according to Chiarini’s evidence, was actually a young woman by the name of Arden Wohl, and her family’s involvement in the falsification of news events can be traced at least as far back as WWII. And as it turns out, much of the wartime footage and many of the historical photographs from that war are staged as well.

    In a recent interview with, Ed Chiarini stated that upon examination of some of the WWII photographs of wartime activity, such as the fabled Kamikaze attacks by the Japanese, he has discovered distinct and measurable evidence to suggest that those photographs were in fact created using miniatures, and so it appears that there is sufficient evidence to indicate that much of the wartime propaganda that surrounded WWII was falsified as well. In addition to that, Chiarini has conclusively demonstrated that many of the people at the upper echelons of power during the years in which that war progressed, up to and including the character known as Adolf Hitler, were in fact merely actors playing the roles they had been assigned to play by forces that as yet remain unknown. All of these things in conjunction with one another leave us with a history that all indications are is a complete fabrication, and the need to revisit and rewrite at least the last 70 to 80 years of it is apparent, and it is my sincere hope that people other than the few of us currently attempting to do that will eventually become involved in the analysis of the events in question. We need to question everything, because it is all questionable.

    Julia Mitchell was born November 14, 1964. She earned a BA in history and philosophy from Western Kentucky University and currently resides in Jackson, Missouri.