Target Iran again...by the Zioconned USA.
Philip Giraldi
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent and successful excoriation of the Palestinians before a receptive American audience made it easy to miss the subplot, which was the alleged threat posed by Iran. Netanyahu took every opportunity to attack the Iranians, tying them into each hostile group in the Middle East and taking them to task for their presumed efforts to become the regional hegemon rather than his beloved Israel. So it comes as no surprise that an Israeli Deputy Prime Minister has now called for war against Iran. Speaking at the end of May in an ‘opines’ that there is considerable danger that Iran will be surprise attacked between the June departure of Robert Gates from the office of Secretary of Defense and the retirement of Admiral Mike Mullen from the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September. The timing of the attack is intended to take advantage of the confusion inevitable when there is a change of command in Washington. A regional war would also preempt any Palestinian attempts to declare statehood at the UN in September. And there are many in Washington who would welcome such an enterprise. Sources ‘article’ by Seymour Hersh that appeared last week in the New Yorker reveals some details of the still classified 2011 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran. To put it succinctly, there is no actual evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapon program. None. Hersh’s article elicited a response from a number of anonymous White House sources who disputed the article’s conclusions, suggesting very clearly that the Obama Administration embraces the Iranian threat narrative, if only to be able to cite Tehran as the reason for the repeated American failures in the region. Hersh also reported that the NIE had been delayed for four months because the White House had wanted a harsher judgment on Iran’s likely intentions. The intelligence community, having been burned once over Iraq, refused to comply.
Israel and Washington have also continuously redefined the red line regarding the precise nature of the Iranian threat. It started reasonably enough with the acquisition of a nuclear weapon, but then became breakout capability meaning that the technology had been developed to such a point that a weapon could be acquired in short order, and now it is any ability to master the uranium enrichment process. It is a series of definitions that constantly move backwards, so Iran can hardly win except by abandoning its perfectly legal and inspected program to provide nuclear energy to generate electricity. Even if Iran were to do so, it would undoubtedly be accused of having a “secret” program.
So it might not be completely illogical to conclude that Iran is not the likely instigator of a regional war in the Middle East — it is much more likely to be Israel, with its extreme right-wing government, an established nuclear arsenal, and a US taxpayer-provided defensive missile system in place to protect it against counter-attack. And lest there be any doubt about what the United States would do, there are two bills in Congress that might provide some enlightenment. They are ‘H. Res. 1905′ . The former, which is co-sponsored by Tea Party darling Michelle Bachmann and 43 other Republicans, affirms the US commitment to continue arming Israel against its enemies, notes rather oddly along the way that “whereas archeological evidence exists confirming Israel’s existence as a nation over 3,000 years ago in the area in which it currently exists, despite assertions of its opponents,” and concludes by expressing “support for Israel’s right to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by Iran, defend Israeli sovereignty, and protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within a reasonable time.”
H. Res 1905 “The Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011” toughens sanctions against Iran, including establishment of a refined petroleum products embargo, which would have a devastating effect on the Iranian economy. Many would consider it to be an act of war. It is sponsored by the irrepressible Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, and has 95 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle and including both liberals and conservatives.
The bills in Congress, which do absolutely nothing for the United States and its citizens and instead ratchet up tension in the region while also providing a carte blanche for Israel to start another war, should provide convincing evidence to anyone who cares that Benjamin Netanyahu pretty much calls the shots insofar as America’s legislature is concerned. If the reports from Haaretz are true and we are quite possibly looking at war later this summer, that would mean that the control extends to the White House. Obama, keen to get reelected, would not want to cross the Israel Lobby even if it means sinking farther into the international quagmire that has characterized American foreign policy over the past ten years. Someone should tell him that when you fall in a hole the way out is not to dig deeper....
The last thing that Tel Aviv will admit to, is that they are a really big Screw-Up. And ‘if’ that particular Screw-Up does decide to get stupid (which they already are) and attack Lebanon & Iran, the most they could do would be ‘minimal damage’, which would throw the ball to the Pentagon’s court — ‘finish the job’ or ‘sit it out’.
I would prefer that the Zioconned DoD/CIA told both Tel Aviv and the ‘occupied’ White House/Congress that they were no Foreign Power’s whipping boys, and Foreign Powers like Tel Aviv can go and find a rolling doughnut to jump through…
Obomba’s decisions are all calibrated to ensure his 2012 reelection, and he would be very reluctant to buck the Israeli Lobby and the Dick Cheney left behind network of Ziocons and leave Israel to fend for itself…., hence the hot summer!
This would result in much more than an Israeli/Iranian duel....Relying only on personal knowledge of some of the efforts since 1979 of both Israel and Iran and their weaponry there is not a high likelihood of success by the Israelis alone or even with US support of Israeli attacks and follow on by the US....
Speaking of nuclear issues the Japanese are seriously thinking of totally abandoning nuclear power by shutting down permanently all reactors (54 were in operation on March 11th) as soon as next April. Only the USA in its drive to proliferate nuclear power by selling reactors (which largely unknown as late as the 50's can lead to weapons development)has continued to protest that it is NOT the largest driver on Nuclear Proliferation (power and weapons) in the World. The last President to seriously oppose proliferation was Dwight David Eisenhower. And just a note many on Wall Street will not invest in heavily regulated industries which is one reason why nuclear power will not further expand in the USA. This has nothing to do with climate change and going green. Again for better or worse WALL STREET continues to make national policy and the banks control of a largely inept Federal Reserve continues to threaten the US performance in the 21st Century. Where is US leadership? It's non-existent since 1995...only utter corruption, fake wars and False Flag attacks....