Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All is fair Game in matters of love and war...., expect Hundreds of Tribes with Flags to appear from MENA to Africa to China in Time....

All is fair Game in matters of love and war...., expect Hundreds of Tribes with Flags to appear in Eurasia....from MENA to Africa to China in Time....

The Libyan crisis has triggered a hairline fracture in the Russian Kremlin and its opaque power structure....

But the day began innocuously. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, while on a visit to a missile production complex somewhere in the Urals, chose to give factory workers some plain-speaking on developments in Libya. He came down heavily on the Western air strikes. "The Security Council resolution [1973] is deficient and flawed; it allows everything and is reminiscent of a medieval call for a crusade. It effectively allows intervention in a sovereign state."

He added for good measure, "This US policy is becoming a stable trend," recalling the US air strikes on Belgrade under Bill Clinton and Afghanistan and Iraq under the two Bush administrations. "Now it's Libya's turn - under the pretext of protecting civilians. Where is the logic and conscience? There is neither. The ongoing events in Libya confirm that Russia is right to strengthen her defense capabilities."

The metaphor of the crusades and the analogy of the West's dismantling of the former state of Yugoslavia cannot be accidental. Nor, perhaps, the implicit criticism of the raison d'être of Russia's much-wonted ''reset'' with the United States, a process attributed to President Dmitry Medvedev.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also delivered plain-speaking in a phone call to Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa. According to Russian media, Lavrov told Moussa: "We strictly oppose using military force against civilians, this is why Russia joined the international call to end violence against civilians [in Libya]. Nobody could now predict the consequences of the situation in Libya. We hope they will be minimal and will not damage the territorial integrity of Libya and the whole region.''

Lavrov seemed to imply that Western intervention in Libya, leading to a civil war or the country's disintegration, might have serious consequences for several African countries similarly placed in terms of the fragility of their post-colonial nationhood. Russian experts have been voicing apprehension in this direction....
The whole farce mirrors Bill Clinton’s bombing campaigns in Bosnia and Serbia, which were also about helping Bin Laden and Al-CIAda to topple autocratic but relatively moderate regimes, and were also military conquests packaged in the cloak of “humanitarian” deception by the global establishment media creeps....

However, on a parallel track on the same day, Medvedev also took a major decision that will have a bearing on the future course of Russian diplomacy over Libya. He appointed a new special representative on ties with African countries. Curiously, his choice fell on the well-known politician Mikhail Margelov, who is a quintessential ''insider'' in Russian politics today but has a past as a liberal-minded aide to Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky. Margelov currently heads the foreign affairs committee of the Russian Duma's upper house and is an influential and familiar voice on Russian foreign policy. Although a specialist on Africa by academic background, his current forte is Russia's relations with the West. On this, he comes out as an ardent enthusiast of the United States-Russia reset.

Margelov uses very colorful language (not unusual for Russian politicians) and two weeks ago he called Muammar Gaddafi a "demoniac colonel" whose regime is doomed. "Gaddafi's regime is agonizing. It is dead-trapped, as hunters say. Not only Libyans are fed up with Gaddafi, but also the international community." Margelov hoped that the blood of those killed in Libya will put an end to the "eerie list of crimes by the demoniac colonel."

So, all things taken into account, Medvedev's decision is quite interesting. His main consideration for the Kremlin must have been that the Americans will feel comfortable with Margelov. Margelov already has a track record for having voiced Russian support for recognizing the result of the referendum in Sudan paving the way for the country's division.

Zigzagging, frayed nerves
Equally, Medvedev announced his appointment of Margelov just as US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was arriving in Russia for a three-day visit. The fact that Gates was away from US when military operations in Libya had just begun also merits attention. It was no doubt intended to show that Washington prioritizes Russian cooperation, Moscow's rhetoric on Libya notwithstanding. En route to Russia, Gates said he appreciated Russia's abstention at the United Nations Security Council on Friday and hoped that more cooperation would be forthcoming. He said Libya was on his agenda for talks in Moscow.

On the whole, the Russian line on Libya is zigzagging. Quite probably, Washington is cognizant of the war going on in Moscow for the soul of the Russian policy on Libya, which of course is destined to impact on the overall trajectory of US-Russian relationship. The overall trend of Russian media commentaries has been highly critical of the West's air attacks on Libya. Put simply, Gates hopes to make things easier for Medvedev to ensure that the war in Libya doesn't rock the US-Russia reset.

So far so good. However, Medvedev has taken matters a little further and opened up a huge battlefront that until yesterday was foggy. He chose to criticize Putin's statement on Libya. With the exception of the chaotic Boris Yeltsin years, such public discord between the president and the prime minister hasn't happened in the post-Soviet Russian politics. The novelty is itself shocking when the cultivated impression so far has been that the Medvedev-Putin ''tandem'' is working fine like a Bolshoi symphony orchestra.

Medvedev's suo moto interview came in the nature of an exposition of the Russian line on Libya toward the end of which he ticked off Putin. Interestingly, his interview was a long-winded explanation of why Russia didn't cast its veto in the UN Security Council over Resolution 1973 and the tone was manifestly defensive. Medvedev claimed that he is surprised at the unilateral way in which the West has interpreted R-1973 to take ''real military action''. And he appealed to the West ''who are using their armed forces'' to ''act with the understanding that any steps they take must be in the Libyan people's interests and in order to prevent further loss of life and Libya's disintegration as a country.''

Medvedev didn't say how he proposes to influence the West to behave humanely and thoughtfully when it is an old maxim that all is fair in matters of love and war. Actually, he bemoaned helplessly that the West hasn't cared to follow up R-1973 with ''consultations''. All Medvedev could do was to hope for the best: ''I hope that the international community's coordinated efforts will succeed in bringing peace to Libya, and that comprehensive measures will be taken to prevent the conflict from spreading further in Africa and into other countries,'' he said in the interview.

Medvedev then contradicted himself that Russia's move to abstain over R-1973 was a ''conscious decision on our part'', a ''qualified decision'' and ''the consequences of this decision were obvious." He chastised Russian critics - ''It would be wrong to start flapping about now and say that we didn't know what we were doing'' - and admitted the decision was his and that the foreign ministry acted on his specific instructions. Medvedev then went on to admit that events are spinning out of control:
''At this stage, the possibility of [Western] ground operations cannot be ruled out... the situation is not going to be easy. The main problem in my view is that there is no coalition carrying out coordinated policy. Some countries, some of our partners, are taking action of their own to try to bring order to the situation, but these are not coordinated, jointly organized actions… The other problem is who to talk with there. Most of the Western countries consider the current Libyan leader, who says he holds no state post, someone they cannot shake hands with, someone they will not have dealings with.''
One czar at a time
So, what is his solution? He offers that Moscow can mediate between the West and Gaddafi. On balance, Medvedev seems to realize he is on a weak wicket and that he took a decision that may prove hard to justify as days and weeks pass. And in a sign of frayed nerves, he voiced annoyance that Putin isn't helping matters. Medvedev's best hope could be to deflect the heat of the Libyan policy by generating a steaming political controversy at home. Without naming Putin, Medvedev said:
''At the moment various words are being used to describe the events taking place. I think we need to be very careful in our choice of wordings. It is inadmissible to say anything that could lead to a clash of civilizations, talk of 'crusades' and so on. This is unacceptable. Otherwise we could see a situation far worse even than what is happening today. We must all keep this in mind.''
These 71 words are destined to play out in Russian politics in a profound way as a tough election year to choose Russia's next president is approaching. Conventional wisdom is that Putin is Russia's most popular politician. In the Libya issue, he also seems to have the support of the Russian foreign, security and military establishment. In fact, Putin spoke out on Libya while announcing that Russia proposes to double the production of strategic and tactical missile systems by 2013 - on a day when indications came that Russia is also beefing up its Black Sea Fleet with new submarines.

Medvedev has asserted that the buck stops with him, and he is the czar of Russia's foreign policy. How much of all this was known to former CIA boss Gates, and what prompted his present boss President Barack Obama to tell the ex-CIA director to drop everything and make a dash for Moscow. becomes an interesting thought too. Washington has never hidden its dislike toward Putin and its preference for Medvedev.

As a Cold War veteran and classic Kremlinologist, Gates knows how to put a knife into a Kremlin wound and lacerate it so deftly that healing is virtually impossible.... Washington interfered effectively in the Mikhail Gorbachev era to exacerbate tensions within the Soviet leadership. Today's Russia is also not lacking in political constituencies that court American support in settling their domestic political battles. Libya seems to have ripped open tensions accruing in Russian politics and a divide in the leadership has sailed into public view. Russians know there can only be one czar at one time. Qaddafi may be laughing on his way to walking into the sunset....

The Israeli/mercenary/US connection is becoming clearer:

Listen/read the speech given by Benjamin Freedman(former Zionist) in 1961 about Israel's plans for the US in ME. A must read(or listen)

The US has an interest in the Middle-East, and the stability of that region, only because of the oil we rely so heavily upon that comes from there. One missed step...and boom goes the world economy and balance of power....

As an example...:

The Pentagon
makes no secret (via unclassified documents widely available on the Internet) of their desire to see energy and mineral rich Baluchistan secede from Pakistan to become a US client state - just like energy and mineral rich Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the other former Soviet republics....

Moreover there’s no way to ascertain whether random acts of terror in the border regions are caused by the Taliban, Al-CIAda or the CIA-funded BLA....

However there's no question that CIA-sponsored BLA terrorism is responsible for much of the violence - especially around the Chinese-built port in Gwadar, Pakistan (employed to offload Iranian oil destined for China)....

NATO is Creating a situation where neither side can win in Libya...., leaving a failed state which needs continual Nato intervention, to protect us from terrorists and black African migrants and ... This is just the kind of scenario the military-industrial dragon feeds and thrives upon. And Nato/US will be ensconced on every side and corner of the Middle East. This will, e.g., keep Egypt in check etc...

The Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Mouammar Qaddafi and others like them are ALL CIA creations....lock stock and Barrel kept in power for Decades....

Today is a day that makes me feel so proud of the white man’s culture....LOL You know, that “western” USRAELI or European way of war...LOL. That something we think is special in us that somehow situated us on the cutting edge of “civilization” and “technology”....

Today we clothe our “white man’s burden” with corporate imperialism and the soothing benevolence of words like “modern” and “market-driven”, and “inevitable”....LOL

This creates the paradigm from whence we can sell armaments to and invest in cell-phone and cable TV systems for desperate, starving, captive 3rd world markets instead of focusing on irrigation, agriculture and local self-sufficiency.

And if they won’t buy into our cherished dream of progress we can always demonize them suddenly, (there is always some disgusting local trait we can exaggerate) …“pound” them with Tomahawk missiles , so as to “protect civilians”.

Our alliance of the willing is a holographic projection of the desires of globalist billionaires, who are no longer concerned about the interests of nation states, or of the planet or of mankind.

We hide our imperialism in an array of acronyms that brand our aggressive cultural superiority …NATO, the UN…the EU… the IMF ….USMC…NED, USAID/CIA, CARE, NGOs...all linked to intelligence agencies.... WHO…SAS…MI6…IDF…CIA…NSA…SS.

We throw words like “democracy” and “freedom” around though we have never known what they mean.

Our collective military strategy has become very like that of the torturers of the catholic inquisition, who burned people to get the devil out of them. They too justified themselves using similar words like”mercy”, “salvation” and ethnic cleansing.

Today, we in the “alliance” are like that nuclear generator in Fukushima. We were both made in the industrial heartland of America, by GE (General Electric). We’ve both been sold to globalist capitalists, by globalist capitalists We both used to appear like a splendid edifice, all safe and sanitary from the outside. We both seemed to provide a new technology full of potential and green sounding theoretical promise for the future. But we both have at our core a hideous smoldering radioactive evil that powers the whole system and threatens the planet....

I suggest we re-evaluate....

There has been great puzzlement over whether there is a split in the Russian diarchy since Russia suddenly decided not to deliver the S-300 air defense systems that Iran had already paid for....

I have come across two compelling, but opposed interpretations:

1. Russia was punishing Iran for moving too close to Turkey on energy cooperation. Russia would like to maintain its dominant position in the European energy market and looks askance on any rival southern energy route from Iran to Turkey and then onwards to Europe....

2. Open political warfare has broken out between Putin and Medvedev. The former wishes to continue the policy of national defiance, while the other is convinced that US cooperation is indispensable for the modernization of the Russian economy. You have a growing rivalry between the old Czar (Putin) who enjoys popular support, and the young and ambitious Czarevich (Medvedev) who seeks backing from the scheming boyars (the new oligarchs)....

Mullah Omar gets a Russian visitor

Zamir Nabiyevich Kabulov, appointed on Tuesday to the new Russian post of presidential special representative for Afghanistan, includes on his impressive resume the ambassadorship in Kabul. The Kremlin's move marks its commitment to deepening its Afghan ties while preparing the ground for a line of communication with the Taliban; Kabulov has the rare distinction of having met Taliban leader Mullah Omar face-to-face.
- M K Bhadrakumar (Mar 23, '11)

“Odyssey Dawn” is nothing new, but has been part of “AFRICOM” – one of the nine Combat Commands of the Pentagon …dedicated… , to “supporting US interests in Africa....”

Was This The Plan All Along?

On March 17:

The latter's National Libyan Council claims it is supported by 8,000 regular troops, including 3,000 Special Forces which are ready to die defending Benghazi.

But yesterday:

[N]ow, as they try to defeat Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s armed forces and militias, they will have to rely on allied airstrikes and young men with guns because the army that rebel military leaders bragged about consists of only about 1,000 trained men.

Down from 8,000 to 1,000 in just seven days. Judging from Aljazeera and other video sources the real number of trained soldiers on the rebel site seems to be around zero. Indeed all I have seen so far are some rather lunatic unorganized folks with small and medium arms trying to run against superior forces. Even the special forces Great Britain, France and the U.S. have certainly put on the ground by now will have huge problems to create a disciplined fighting force out of these.

The political leadership of the rebels is also a weird creation. The "new government" "finance minister" is one Ali Tarhouni.

Mr. Tarhouni, who teaches economics at the University of Washington, returned to Libya one month ago after more than 35 years in exile to advise the opposition on economic matters.
[...] This week, the rebel leadership announced its latest evolution, a government in waiting led by Mahmoud Jibril, a planning expert who defected from Colonel Qaddafi’s government.

From the slick website (which PR company paid by whom created it?) of the Interim Transitional National Council we learn about Mr. Mahmood Jibril:

Holds a masters’ degree in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1980. He also obtained a Doctorate in Strategic planning and decision-making from the same university in 1984 where he worked as a professor in the same subject field for several years.

So two U.S. professor with, no legitimacy or following in the country, now prepare to be the Libyan puppets of the "west".

But they will only get the job after the "allies" put many more boots on the ground. There is no way these rebels can win without a big invasion by "western" forces. Even in the desert air power can not conquer and hold any ground.

When that happens Gaddafi will do a Saddam and tell his troops to become "civilians" and to start an insurgency against the occupation forces. Even if he would not do so tribal resistance against invading troops is a certainty.

This is all so predictable that one has to wonder if this was the plan all along....

The plot thickens, and it could explain France's interest.


The EU has presented a strategy paper on the developments in North Africa. This includes the proposal of establishing an EU-South Mediterranean Energy Community. That could give the DESERTEC project a big boost. According to the EU's 2050 decarbonization scenario of reducing the emissions by more than 80 percent, "there is clear potential for building a partnership between the EU and Southern Mediterranean countries for the production and management of renewables, in particular solar and wind energy, and in having a joined-up approach ensuring energy security".......

Despite of current disturbances in North Africa, both, the DESERTEC Foundation and the Dii GmbH, express confidence that the concept will be implemented in EU-MENA. Current plannings, especially in Morocco, but also in further countries are not directly put at risk by the disturbances. A project like DESERTEC with its socio-economic benefits not only offers an approach to energy security but also creates perspectives for the region.......

Solar-thermal power plants: Win-win situation for North Africa and Europe

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) and Ernst&Young published results of their joint study on the local manufacturing potential for CSP projects in the MENA region. According to their forecast, economies in this region will benefit greatly from the extension of concentrating solar-thermal power's (CSP) capacities and up to 80,000 jobs will be created, some of which are highly-qualified. Apart from that, there will be growth opportunities for European industry as well. An action plan developed within this study, shows a way how solar-thermal power plants, that might be funded by the Worldbank's Clean Technology Fund (CTF), can be implemented.....

I kept wondering why France took the lead on the Libya initiative, but I think we have the answer, and it has nothing to do with Sarkozy's election bid. That can always be bought, if need be, no need to start a war for something that can be done much more easily.


Desertec, a solar power project designed to supply some of Europe’s electricity needs from North Africa, will cooperate with France’s Medgrid group, Financial Times Deutschland reported today, citing Desertec’s Chief Executive Officer Paul van Son and Medgrid’s head Georges de Montravel....
