A "road to nowhere" and why ...
Walt/ FP:
"...1. There is no sign that the Palestinians are willing to accept less than a viable, territorially contiguous state in the West Bank (and eventually, Gaza), including a capital in East Jerusalem and some sort of political formula (i.e., fig-leaf) on the refugee issue. By the way, this outcome supposedly what the Clinton and Bush adminstrations favored, and what Obama supposedly supports as well.2. There is no sign that Israel's government is willing to accept anything more than a symbolic Palestinian "state" consisting of a set of disconnected Bantustans, with Israel in full control of the borders, air space, water supplies, electromagnetic spectrum. etc. Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that this is what he means by a "two-state solution," and he has repeatedly declared that Israel intends to keep all of Jerusalem and maybe a long-term military presence in the Jordan River valley. There are now roughly 500,000 Israeli Jews living outside the 1967 borders, and it is hard to imagine any Israeli government evacuating a significant fraction of them. Even if Netanyahu wanted to be more forthcoming, his coalition wouldn't let him make any meaningful concessions. And while the talks drag on, the illegal settlements will continue to expand.3. There is no sign that the U.S. government is willing to put meaningful pressure on Israel....(Enough said!)""... His father, Benzion, changed his name from Milikovsky to Netanyahu after he emigrated from Lithuania to Palestine..."
Max Blumenthal:"... What is Bibi Netanyahu’s connection to the ring, and by extension, to the ancient land of Israel? There is none. His father, Benzion, changed his name from Milikovsky to Netanyahu after he emigrated from Lithuania to Palestine. Thus Bibi has a much closer relation to Sarah Palin, whose Lithuanian maternal grandfather was rumored to be a Jew, than to any late Bronze Age “Jewish official” from the Middle East.To understand the sheer insanity of Netanyahu’s magical ring story, consider how I would be received if my grandfather, Hymie Blumenthal, changed his name to Hymie Quetzalcoatl, then I asserted a historical mandate to rule over Mexico because Quetzalcoatl was a diety of the inhabitants of the ancient Toltec city of Teotihuacan. I would have a hard time being taken as seriously as David Koresh or the Unabomber..."
A farce is never truly a farce if it doesn't contain a character that thinks he is making some historical change while the rest of the cast and the audience snigger at his naiveté.....
The ass in this farce though is not Obama; The ass is that body of people called the Palestinians who continue to suffer ALL the fools that lead them.... since 1900...
This "conference" is all about Abbas and Netanyahu making all the right noises so that they can maintain the status quo and in the end say "well we tried". Netanyahu can then make his cabinet buddies happy by lifting the settlement freeze and Abbas can go back to making himself and his cronies wealthier....
Arafart hated Abbas and only kept him close because he knew he was "close" to the USA....i.e. a paid CIA/MOSSAD agent, lackey and puppet extraordinaire .....