Friday, August 6, 2010

A new set of covert operations about to be launched in Lebanon....and beyond

A new set of sordid, odious, criminal, covert operations and assassinations, as well as proxy/low intensity conflicts are about to be attempted/launched in Lebanon....and beyond...

The New Kid on the Block is about to arrive to Beirut's Awkar nest of spies, US/Israeli Ambassador
Maura Connelly...the spiritual twin of the assassin in Chief, Jeffrey CIA/MOSSAD FELTMAN....and his bravest follower and student....The US Embassy in Awkar/Lebanon where dozens of Israeli/CIA spy cells in Lebanon are run JOINTLY for years.

Each replacement of Ambassadors is accompanied with a new set of black covert ops and JSOC/SOCOM/CIA assassinations in the Levant....

This has been the trend with successive US ambassadors for decades in this neck of the woods and across the Pond....

Events in Lebanon, as always, are driven by sordid and competing covert operations using cut-outs and disinformation galore...for plausible deniability....and mirror wider tensions and regional and global the dirty Beltway Bandits...and their local/regional collaborators/patsies, lackeys/agents....

The old proverb that nothing is more novel than the old is an adage that refuses to age... We can see this in its most astonishing form in the latest savage CIA/MOSSAD assassinations in the Levant, using Asef SHAWKAT and the infamous White House Murder INC, since January 24th 2002 and the cowardly assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA....USA and SYRIA's criminal Tango continues unabated for decades....using Deep State tools and CIA/MOSSAD within the Syro-Lebanese military intelligence goons. The mutually beneficial Endeavour is fully protected by a wall of lies, deceit and deception.... It always comes full circle without any blowback...and the protection is the Golden rule for ALL parties....No Intell leaks of any kind here....[ case in GHAZI KANAAN was "Suicided by Asef Shawkat's goons in his office in Damascus...when such Intell leak was feared...] and the STL is the latest CIA/MOSSAD ploy....poor Lebanese who are so gullible, ignorant and ill-informed it seems....

Elias Murr goes ballistic over allegations that he 'postponed' looking into A spy's file...

المفاجآت في هذا الملف لم تقتصر على السحمراني. ففي الشهر التالي، توصلت مديرية استخبارات الجيش إلى معطيات تقنية يمكن من خلالها ربط العميد المتقاعد من الجيش، غسان الجد، بالاستخبارات الإسرائيلية. حاولت توقيفه، إلا أنه كان قد فرّ إلى خارج لبنان. وبحسب مصدر مطّلع، فإنّ عملية الفرار جرت بعد حصول المشتبه فيه على إشارات معيّنة لم يُعرف ما إذا كانت تسريباً مقصوداً أو معلومات وفّرتها له إسرائيل. ذلك أنه عندما تقرر توقيف الجد، أبلغ قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وزير الدفاع إلياس المر بالأمر، فطلب الأخير التمهّل لبعض الوقت، لكنّ الجد سافر في اليوم التالي إلى خارج لبنان
Elias CIA MURR is one of those Super CIA agents for at least 12 years and counting .....
إلياس المر صعد قطار الخيانة, فهل يكون آخـر الخونة...؟
We just learned that the author of this Al Akhbar article has been summoned to the Ministry of Defense for 'investigations'... The 'article' in question reported that the LAF's commander, Jean Kahwaji, informed Murr of the spy's (retired general Ghassan al Jedd) intentions, but that CIA/MOSSAD Murr 'took his time', allowing al Jedd to leave Lebanon...
It took Murr over 15 minutes to plead to the media to let him "live in peace"... Until he finally went to the crux of his press conference: that he will prosecute journalists who dishonor the Military with insinuations and falsehoods .....

How a Sordid Neocon Covert Operation is destroying Lebanon, again....
Perceptions and agony of the Lebanese people about "Justice" and
STL's long process in getting to anything meaningful about All the
assassinations in Beirut....
Those who control perception want more than their fair share so they
manipulate it to their advantage....
It's becoming clear to all, that the process has been subverted
and completely flawed, politicized and utterly skewed by the BIG powers....,
sponsors of STL from its inception...., ever since Detlev MEHLIS left UNIIIC.
We, the Lebanese people, had such high hopes when MEHLIS was in charge
of UNIIIC, that we really believed in Justice and the rule of law in the broad
international arena..., BUT, ever since Judge MEHLIS left the helm , we
have been on a slippery slope until today, where MOST people in Lebanon
have completely lost faith and are disgusted with the proceedings and the
surrounding shenanigans of STL, becoming utterly politicized and run by
countries seeking to use STL for other ends...., to say the least, in Lebanon....
It's a sad commentary about international institutions and a sad trend in
International Politics....
We have a feeling that the KILLERS have gotten away with multiple
murders...and that no one cares and no one remembers those tragedies
of so many families since January 24th 2002...
I know that HEZBOLLAH had nothing to do with any of these odious and
criminal Western inspired assassinations ....
I know that SYRIA on the other hand, was Bamboozled into
carrying out the assassination of Hariri and many others....but
since they used "cut-outs" in a very clever manner...they were
never CAUGHT with anything that would stand in a court of law...
under any scrutiny....hence they got away with murder again....
because their services were needed again to eliminate IMAD F.
MOUGHNIEH in 2008....and they are needed in IRAQ and elsewhere...
hence the Trade-offs were made with them by USA...and were
cleared of any wrong-doing because of Politics.....and now the USA
and Israel want to FRAME HEZBOLLAH for obvious reasons....
So here we have a slew of assassinations in Lebanon and Syria
over several years....midwifed by the NEOCONS during their
horrible the infamous White House Murder INC,....and
while making sure that conditions were all that much worse in Gitmo
and Abu Ghraib and all those other lovely haciendas where those
who did 9/11 have chosen to imprison and torture all those people
they paid warlords a bounty to snatch off of the battlefields of the
wars they engineered as a result of the 9/11 attacks that they
orchestrated so that they might extract information from these
hapless insurgents who didn’t know nothing about nothing in a
sort of sardonic, travesty of a Kafkaesque burlesque of a “You
must confess, sign ze papers or I shoot ze dog and sell your
daughter to Israel to have sex with a camel on Hebrew National
reality TV”.....
Nowadays, we have SYRIA shielded, protected and nurtured
because they are needed IRAQ, Lebanon and
elsewhere... as usual in various SECURITY related endeavors....
and we have STL, also midwifed by the NEOCONS and
SINIORA still standing....ready to be used and abused by the
remnants of the NEOCON agenda in the OBAMA administration
and Israel, by FRAMING HIZBULLAH in preparation for the next
war on Lebanon.....

On STL's CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE Shenanigans....:

"ان هذه هي الاستقالة العاشرة من مناصب رفيعة المستوى في المحكمة الدولية مما يعني وجود خلل حقيقي وكبير نتيجة للضغوط السياسية الدولية والاملاءات المفروضة على سير ومجريات التحقيق فيها، ولعل التسريبات المتتالية وتوجيه أصابع الاتهام الى عناصر من "حزب الله" في عملية اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري دون الاستناد الى قرائن وأدلة وشواهد فعلية والاكتفاء بشهادات شهود الزور فقط الذين زوروا الحقائق وضللوا التحقيق وأدخلوا البلد في النفق المظلم هو شاهد حقيقي ودليل قاطع على تسييس المحكمة للنيل من المقاومة ومحاولة القضاء عليها".

ان الواجب القضائي والقانوني يقتضي بعدم تسييس المحكمة واستغلالها، والأخذ بالاحتمالات كافة وخصوصا احتمال ضلوع العدو الصهيوني الغادر مع سوريا في عملية الاغتيال المروعة والمستفيد الأول من كل ما يجري لا سيما بعدما كشفه وعرضه سماحة الأمين العام ل"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله من معطيات وقرائن تثبت بلا أدنى شك أو ريبة هذا الاحتمال الذي لا يجوز اغفاله أو التغطية عنه".