Bushobama? What's the difference anyway? Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta....
Obama put on notice by Democratic money moguls... but the power behind the power in Washington DC is still hanging on to the OBUSHBAMBA, the White House Murder INC, the Full Spectrum Dominance theory....and the Utter Corruption of the US Government.
August , 2010
Informed sources in Washington, DC have told us that President Obama has been personally told by a delegation of top Democratic Party financiers that unless he radically changes his economic policies they will bolt from him for another Democratic candidate in 2012. The Democratic money moguls conveyed the warning to Obama in Martha's Vineyard, where the president and his family are spending their vacation.
There are various factions within the Democratic Party that see different scenarios to bail out what many Democrats see as an administration in deep trouble with the electorate. One would have Secretary of State Hillary Clinton move up to replace Vice President Joe Biden on the 2012 ticket with Senator John Kerry becoming Secretary of State. However, we have been told that Clinton personally loathes Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and may not want to be part of the 2012 president ticket playing second fiddle to Obama.
We have also learned that Obama's reported "severe narcissism" has a number of his cabinet officials and top Democratic fundraisers perplexed. Obama's refusal to change course because of his ego was discussed at the recent annual Bohemian Grove conclave in northern California, which brings together influential businessmen and politicians from both parties. Top U.S. business leaders openly complained about Obama's economic policies, with some stating that Obama is, for the business community, the worst president in anyone's lifetime. They also complained about White House gatekeepers like Emanuel and policy advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod who are preventing access to the Oval Office.
Although such complaints could be expected from Republican businessmen, we have learned that top Democratic businessmen at the Bohemian Grove have told Jarrett, Obama's chief liaison to them, that all she does is shake them down" for campaign contributions and that the uncertainty on the costs for Obama programs on health care and taxes has prevented the hiring of workers.
We have also learned that rather than change course, the White House staff, who are keenly reading anything that is critical of the president, are more interested in exacting revenge for criticism than in changing course...., especially when it comes to the infamous White House Murder INC,....worldwide Matrix, and more precisely in the Levant....with Asef SHAWKAT at the Helm with CIA/MOSSAD since January 24th 2002.....acting on orders from CIA/MOSSAD, using Syro-Lebanese rogue elements of the Deep State..... "The White House staff are voracious readers and are obsessed with favorable coverage," one source said.....
The Obama administration's interest in a favorable public image over all other interests has a number of Democrats running for re-election privately miffed. One change many Democratic politicians and fundraisers would like to see is the replacement of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with someone with more gravitas and a better handle on fixes for the plummeting economy.
Some senior Democrats are also livid about Emanuel's constant selling out of Democratic Party interests for narrow political objectives. We have been told by a reliable source that Emanuel has privately conveyed to Florida independent Senate candidate Governor Charlie Crist that the White House will quietly support him if he caucuses with Senate Democrats. Crist has apparently cut a deal with the White House that would see lukewarm White House support for Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek, who recently won the Democratic nomination.
There are dark clouds on the horizon for Obama regardless of a sudden course correction, which some Democrats do not see coming. Certain Democrats see Obama as a liability and there has been a reported understanding reached with the U.S. Attorney for northern Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald, that in the second trial of ex-Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich, Obama and his aides, particularly Emanuel, Jarrett, and Axelrod, will no longer enjoy protection from being called as witnesses.
The sudden dropping of federal corruption charges against Rob Blagojevich, the brother of the former governor, may be part of a deal worked out that would focus the trial more keenly on Blagojevich's dealings with Obama and his top aides, including the appointment of Obama's successor in the Senate and financial deals involving Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine, dubious property development in the north Chicago Fifth Congressional District formerly represented by Emanuel, real estate ventures involving the proposed 2016 Summer Olympics in Chicago, and Obama's mortgage with the failed Broadway Bank and his relationship with Rezko and U.S. Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias, who was the vice president for loans at the bank at the time the mortgage loan was made.
If the scope of the investigation of corruption in Chicago expands beyond Blagojevich to the White House, we are told the word "impeachment" would begin to be on the lips of a number of Washington politicos.....
Every last one of them is SMOM – Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta. To all who think this is just some quaint retro outdated Vatican thing, please note how many Jews and non-Catholics are on the list. It’s NOT about religion. This is a highly active clandestine power cabal serving the Illuminati – yes, the Vatican but all of them across religious and ethnic lines..... Illuminati structure
Virtually all key positions surrounding 9/11, Watergate, Iran Contra, the war on Bosnia and many other events have Knights in all key positions pulling strings.....
Solar Explosions with the force of 100 million hydrogen bombs.
In spite of dire warnings about Republocrat "takeovers" and "Right Wing" scams - not to mention "Left Wing" idiocy - it would be wise to look to the heavens and beyond the DC charade. At some levels within TPTB, I increasingly believe that this is what They are aware of and preparing for...
The "warning" with the Boeing employee at Sickscent is worth noting especially.