Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is meant by the "abyss" in MENA is about a hugely wealthy elite desperately wanting to stay on top....

What is meant by the "abyss" in MENA is about a hugely wealthy elite desperately wanting to stay on top....

Geopolitical Dumbo Jumbo at play in the Greater Middle East, from the Hindu Kush to Mauritania....


We have the ubiquitous American "project", the Israeli "project" from which it in some respects differs, and which also contains the potential to run counter to the American project. We have too the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood "project" in the region to actualize political power, the Saudi-Salafist "project" to shore up conservative monarchical legitimacy, the Turkish aspirations to lead the Sunni community, the Qatari ambition to be America's regional "fixer", and the not insignificant jihadi-Salafist "project" to deconstruct "authority", to name but a few that have suddenly flared up; and of course there is the long established Iranian "resistance" project.

Additionally, there are the strategically important "projects" to seize influence over the region's energy supplies - in order to influence which of the competing gas pipeline projects will serve Europe's needs: either tilting European dependency towards, on the one hand, Russia and Iran; or alternatively, tying her to US proxies such as Qatar and Turkey. On such calculations will hinge too whether China's future energy needs will, or will not be, vulnerable to subsequent American squeeze as part of its containment of China policies.

And as no one really is sure what is the true extent of the designs behind these multiple projects, except that - since all have a claim to power and hegemony - suspicion and mistrust inevitably are mushrooming to the point at which tensions can easily spill over, at any point, into localized sectarian violence and then jump the firewall into the geostrategic conflict. This is what is meant by the "abyss".

Lost in all this is the "Awakening's" origins as a popular stirring: it has metamorphosed for now into a profound geostrategic and sectarian struggle over the future of the region. And though the popular impulse has been for the moment harnessed into other agendas, it nonetheless may yet surge again. The potential for this certainly is there: even to turn the political complexion of the region inside out....

But in pursuing this project of seeking to mollify Iran hawks through a hot, increasingly sectarian "war" in Syria, and by letting the Gulf monarchies fire up reactionary Salafist movements across the region - supposedly again to "contain" Shi'ite influence and further weaken Iran - the US and Europe are becoming increasingly witting, or unwitting partisans, in a Sunni sectarian "project" for the restoration of Sunni primacy which is piggy-backing on the US and European obsessive animosity towards Iran. This risks another type of war, just as dangerous - but to which Western powers seem oblivious.

One element of this Sunni project is seen in the electoral resurgence of the more moderate Muslim Brotherhood. But another Sunni primacy "project" actually pits itself against the Muslim Brotherhood initiative: The Saudi-Salafist "project" is intended to "contain" the Brotherhood's bid for power, and to seek for itself the hold over regional changes. This is being done in the interest of preserving pliant, conservative Islam, and Saudi absolutism.

And finally we have the quite separate jihadi-Salafist project to exploit regional tensions to deconstruct "authority" to establish regional footholds as sites for jihad - and the emergence of a very different type of authority. These projects, set afoot under cover of the US containment of Iran, are setting sect against sect, one generation against another and one class in society against another, and in pitting them one against another, may set the region on fire....

It is not hard to imagine that Russians see that this current of Islam that historically has been the most violent could, in due course, be redirected by the US towards their Asian allies - just as it has been pointed towards Syria. Equally, China is just as sensitive about its own Muslim community. It can see too that the Western "project", were it to succeed, potentially would give the US huge leverage over China's growing energy requirements - and hence its economy.

What is extraordinary is that European states have not woken up to the fact that it is they who have most to lose in this "great game". They too have an alienated, disenchanted Muslim population, and are far from self-sufficient in energy - unlike the US. Their placing of the Israeli interest, refracted at them from the prism of essentially domestic American political needs, blindly followed, seems to repeat the history of the 2003 Gulf war: Another war "project" that fissured Europe, closed off policy options, and brought terrorism to European streets....



Final solution: first Syria, then Iran...

Syria and Iran are being relentlessly destabilized. CIA operations have been continuous for months and years. Two nations are targeted to fall sequentially, as part of one agenda.

The entire region has been set aflame with covert operations in every imaginable form, from real and false terrorism and assassinations to CIA/NATO-backed popular revolts, and “humanitarian” insurgencies—all ultimately fronting for the forces of the Anglo-American agenda. The Arab League now operates as a tool of Western imperialism

Syria is being set up using a familiar CIA-MI6 playbook, as well as the model that toppled Libya. Muammar Gaddafi was murdered by NATO and Al-Qaeda, the favored weapon of Anglo-American leaders, despite Libyan cooperation with the West for many years. Syrian leaders will likely not be treated with any more kindness than Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, or scores of others who needed to be “removed.”

The assassination of Syrian General Issa al-Khouli on the streets of Damascus is just one blatant harbinger of what is to come.

According to the reporting team of Collapsenet, a Syrian regime change is imminent.

Russia, which, along with China, had previously opposed a Syrian attack in the UN Security Council, has reversed its position—perhaps bought off in yet another eleventh hour backroom deal. Militaries of various nations are being positioned for attack.

Rising oil prices, the threat posed by “inconvenient obstacles” in the Middle East, threatens the petroleum-driven world economy, even in the short term, adding to the possibility posed by some observers that Iran may be attacked by summer 2012. Syria falls first.

As complex as the maneuvering and “negotiations” (backroom criminal deals) have been, the war map has remained clear since 9/11. The conquest that has been in the works for decades has proceeded apace, relentlessly, nation after nation destroyed and conquered. What was once unimaginable has been methodically carried out, unabated through the Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations; the lies, rhetoric amplified with bellicose fury.

The empire is hell-bent on securing what is necessary to sustain its dying economic and industrial engine, regardless of how many lives are taken in the process....

The camel humping towel heads are coming! The Zioconned USA must send more billions to Shitrael and give up more rights before they install Sharia law here in the Union of Soviet Socialist Amerika....